Gel or powder for cuttings?


New Member
Ive always have used powder and my success rate isnt very good, i dont think im putting them deep enough but im about try something new.

Every time I see other people cloning i see gel.

Is there any proven reason that one may be better?

or, is it all in personal prefrence?
Re: gel or power for cuttings?

well not sure but I use the powder.the trick is not to let the cut ends get exposed to air...the way I do it is I take a container of water and sit it next to my mother I then take a razor blade and as I take each cutting I drop it straight in the water,now I use the peat tablets when they are swelled right up I take a cutting out and dip it in the powder approx. 1/2 inch then stick it in the peat pellet,about 3/4 inch.Once my tray is full I put the dome on and put them under indirect light 24/7.Daily I mist the inside of the dome and generally don't need to water the peat at all during rooting in about a week and a bit the're good to go.With this procedure I seem to get almost 100% success.
Re: gel or power for cuttings?

I use both. I prep my cutting by removing any large leaves then trimming off the node below the tip. I then cut it off the plant below the node then cut at the node at a 45 degree angle dipping immediately into gel then into #2 powder and into little 9-hole pots filled with wetted Pro-Mix and fine perlite. Into the dome the same as gappedout and under fluorescents 24/7. If they're too warm and steamy in there it's pretty easy to get stem rot so I'm not using the dome anymore, just fine spray a couple of times a day @ 75F.

Lots of ways to do it. If you've got plants around just try a few clones at a time different ways even if you don't need them for a grow. Eventually you'll hit on the technique that works best for you. Then you could give away the practice clones or plant them in the woods and help overgrow the government. :0)

Re: gel or power for cuttings?

I have used both personally I like the gel better. Have had a higher success rate. I like the idea of using both and I'll prolly try it next.
Re: gel or power for cuttings?

Ive used both and now the ONLY thing I will use is Vitagrow. wherever the dip line is at will have gnarly roots. that stuff is scary good.
hmmmm my 1500th post

this is from their website...

Vita Grow Ready to Use Rooting Compound is a great product. This product works where others fail. This is the same formula that production nurseries use to clone ten thousand starts at a time. Nurseries don’t have time for gels. They need rooting compounds to be effective, easy and fast or they won’t use it. Simply dip the cutting into the compound for 5 seconds and plant in your favorite medium. Use a covered dome and under-tray heater for best results.

Vita Grow makes a tri-fold brochure to help you with taking cuttings. Ask us and we will send you one.

The active ingredients are recognized by the EPA to be effective in rooting clones. EPA registered in all states. NOT FOR SALE TO CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS.Vita Grow is not associated with Wood's Rooting Compound.

The gels seperate and are thick and wasteful. The powder is better in my opinion...neither works even close to the Vitagrow. This stuff is thin like water and almost black. this is 8 days in a cloner. notice the thickness and how the roots are actually growing inside the collar
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