General 420 Talk

Should it Stay or Go?

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Im still willing to moderate it. Im here enough, so its not that big of a hassle.

I think just keep a good team of moderators on it. Thats the key. I used to be a moderator on a fairly large forum. The stupid posts never stop coming so you need to have more then one mod. There are people who are here a enough and are capable of doing it. Build a good team then there is always someone to take care of the 'trash'.

The problem with lack of respondents is some people just sign up and forget to come back. Some are at a friends house, who has the web, for a day. Then you have the regulars. Some regulars frequent the general type part of the website. Others goto just one section. Be it growing or medical etc. So there are some great, regular posters that just dont goto the general section.

Okay okay, I will stop rambling. :laughtwo:
i like a place where we can just talk about not worry about the confines of each subcategory...general 420 is easier to work my opinion...if that makes sense
Does this count???..... I'm not overmedicating for my back pain...... but I am listening to Pink Floyd- Meddle......sweet sounds of Echoes.......:bongrip:
I liked the general discussion forum for awhile, but lately it's just gotten out of hand. I too am behind 420 with deleting the general discussion board. I feel it will can a lot of the nonsense and immaturity as well as member-to-member bashing. Thanks.

-jps :allgood:
i think general forum should stay.. if you dont like it you dont have to read anything in it you know.. lol.:peace:
Totally understand your reasoning for wanting to give General 420 Talk the axe. I personally would adopt a no-bullshit attitude. Someone steps out of line, they're banned. Someone spams or makes pointless threads, gone. No questions asked. It's totally justified. Unless they pay to keep the site running, what right do they have to clog the forums with ill will and dumb shit? I've been without Internet access for a long ass time which is my reason for inactivity, but the sheer amount of hateful, incosiderate, confrontational motherfuckers would be enough to drive anyone away. I'm not entirely sure about getting rid of General altogether. Maybe a consolidation or merger with other forums? Because I think the forums are way too cluttered. Sub-forums are great, but are all of them necessary? I mean, there's at least 25+. And sure the site is always growing thanks to your tireless work Rob, but it can be kind of staggering to have so many forums. So my answer is I don't know. It's your site. Maybe even a "Bullshit" forum where the people who can't seem to follow the rules are given access to, and are barred from posting in any other forums pending moderator or administrator approval. I don't know if that's more effort then it's worth, but I'm just throwing ideas up in the air. I just think the real problem is a handful of members with chips on their shoulders, no brains to speak of and diarreha of the mouth. And honestly, if they can't follow the rules they have no place here and you'd be totally justified in banning every single one of them.
yeah, but every time i ban someone for that shit, there is this stupid little revolution that begins....young people crying about rights and freedom of speech and all this bullshit...they gang up in bunches and destroy the vibe of the forum...they email me with pages and pages of nonsense, over and over again...repeatedly...threats of shutting me down...they run around bad mouthing my site on other forums, they send me viruses and sign my email address up for dumb shit, it's endless...i don't have time to explain my reasoning every single time this happens....nor do i want these mini revolutions over and over and over again because some kid can't call some girl a fat ho....when will the drama end? can end by getting rid of the forum...i know that much...

can i bring you back on the team cow?
that would help me alot...
you have always been one of my favorites.
you could use the ban hammer on these punks...
some of my current and previous staff are too soft on these people because they are friends with them....and they have the time to explain shit...i do not and am sick and tired of it....and when i try to be stern, i get the usual, "i am doing this for free, you can't talk to me like that" i'm stuck until i get funding for a paid staff...a paid employee will do as i say and if not, they get replaced...interns and volunteers....ya get what you pay for...

now don't any of you staff members go getting your panties in a knot over this, i am just being direct and to the point with this issue and if you are meant to remain here, you will understand...if you do not, pm me and i will help you to understand...otherwise, feel free to send me your resignation...
i need to make this team more solid...this is what happens when a business pun a part of it or not, it's up to you, but things need to change now...

condensing some of these forums is a good idea...i just may do that.
I think General 420 Talk is the one subforum you should keep always, and i don't think that theres a lot of nonsense threads made. Just more nonsense replies and theres better ways people could say things. I think moderators should do better at looking at how people reply to threads and posts. To many people try to make one guy look like an asshole because he knows people will read what he says and prob laugh, which is indirectly laughing at the other person. We don't need to put people down, that could be devastating to someone who's high. So i think that's the main problem rather then someone who posts a thread cannabis related but said something that was a bit immature. Deleting pointless threads that are made is easy, someone posting something a bit immature is alright, if it's that bad they can delete the thread. No need to delete the member over it, just get rid of the member and have moderators notify them as to why. There shouldnt be more then 1 thread a mod would have to delete in a day so it's not a big job, and i'd be willing to help if you need it. Putting down another member of the forum in any way, however said, is inadmissible. Someone who tells of something immature they did is not hurting anyone on this forum, but in this 420times world we all need to be together and never go against eachother. We wouldn't be able to win the legalization of marijuana together the way everyone takes the way they disagree to such extremes against eachother. Immature members to this site is not the problem, i'd say we all are a bit immature to some extent and we should all just get together, immature people could talk about things too..assholes destroy discussions.
420 said:
can i bring you back on the team cow?
that would help me alot...

I'd be more than happy to help you out Rob. You shouldn't have to worry about putting out fires and dealing with this bullshit.

I'd have to be on the boards at least a few times a week to keep tabs on everything, but I'll definitely take on the role of executioner. And you know motives are simply to help thing run smoother arond here, not to be some facist asshole going ban-happy. Plus if a ban falls into question, I'll run it by the mods to get their input and if they don't think the crime merited the punishment. Because it's not like we can't reinstate banned members.

I've got a little easier time getting Internet Access now, so I'll be able to get on the boards at least once or twice a week.
Since I've gained internet access again, and have been reinstated as a Lounge Mod, I've been keeping my eyes peeled for anyone getting out of line.

If I'm not doing a good job, feel free to whip me into place ;)

And it's good to see you again MadCow.... how's my favourite bovine been doing??
yeah not sure if you need the help but I could give being a mod a shot. At least in the general 420 talk. Just saying my help is here if need be...
i'd be glad to be a louge mod and inforce that no tolerance rule.. but it's all good anyways

good call, BTW
anyone else have feedback for the general forum?
so far, it looks like we MAY keep general, but will definitely be using the ban hammer daily on those who fail to comply with our membership guidelines...

if you become a member of your local moose lodge and in the middle of a meeting, you stood up and told the president of the lodge that he was a dick and he smells funny and should not be the president, what do you think would happen?
you would be kicked out of lodge and your membership revoked....
why should we be any different?
from now on, we are not.
if you disagree, thank the punks that made this all possible..
if you agree, welcome, we love you, let's get back to learning and educating and making more enemies.
sx, i need you in news, please continue doing what you are doing, great job!

i will be holding another mod election within the next few days...
that is where you can apply for a mod position...
i will no longer take people onboard just because they are here every day, there is much more to it than that, you will learn in time, as we all are....
i just went through a huge time consuming process of seeking, hiring, training and firing...what a must be an amazing addition to join the mod team...and all new mods will be on a 30 day probationary period before receiving any powers...this way we can monitor you and see if you are worthy before issuing powers to those who could have possible mood swings and power trips...i wish there was an easier way, TRUST ME!
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