

Well-Known Member

I'm growing 5 white widow plants and am at the germination stage. I've got them in the dark and in solo cups (see pic before going in the dark). They're covered in plastic wrap to conserve humidity. My only problem is temperature. I cant seem to get the environment above 20 degrees Celsius. I've read that germination needs 26ish. Will my seeds germinate? Or is this no use.

I dont have CFLs, but I can them it in my tent under the MH early for added heat, but I read that light may not be good.fkr.the germination process.

So much conflicting advice.
I have been where you are just a couple months ago. Now I have healthy thriving plants. It was a real pain in the ass with all the conflicting information spread across the internet. Every person you talk to has a slightly different approach to popping seeds it seems.

I finally threw out the seed provider's instructions and performed a combination of a few different methods and it worked very well for me. I soaked the seeds in water in a warm place, then 24 hours later I took them out and planted them into Jiffy pucks inside a small humidity dome with a heat mat under it. I highly suggest getting a heat mat as HonestGR already pointed out. they are only $20-$30 I believe. Once I added the heat mat and performed this method I got 100% germination.

Also if money is tight you can just set that tray or just the cups on your tv box / receiver. They give off a bit of heat.

Good luck.
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