Getting Rid of Cannabis?

I went through a re-hap years ago for Marijuana :yummy: (very educational ) and stop smoking for 1 half years ( very boring time ) and they said it takes at least 60 days for it to clear out of you're blood system, But it can stay in you're fat tissue for 6 to 7 years and release Marijuana :yummy: in the blood system anytime in this time frame . I guess there are fake urine kits , A friend had to do a test last week and his son bought some for him and it worked .
Be safe & :peace:
DaMagoMan: thanks man! sorry should of that of that *d'oh*

MedGROWER: i heard some employers are very stick and may keep on eye on you? iono thats what i've been this true? I was also heard that you can flush it out of your system by drinking cranberry juice?
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