Going to give this a go?


New Member
i am going to start using MAXICROP,seaweed extract-plant growth stimulant,

the label says"stimulates better rooting and development",for strong healthy grows,has anyone used this product,if so what was results like,when and how long did you use the product....and did it affect yeild etc...

many regards
i have just bought advanced nutrients sensi A&b) as well ,going to use these in conjuction with the seaweed extract with each other,my plants are 3 weeks old when they arrive tomorrow,shall i use 1/3 mix with each other to start,and can i carry on using in bloom stage with the sensi (a&b)?????with a bloom nutrient.starting to get a touch excited now ha ha,but apprehensive,i know all is trial and error but dont want to nut burn in first week.

cheers good people


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