Gonna learn today

Hi, LuckyMcNever, welcome to 420Magazine.com! Please see some of our stickied threads for general information about/for this forum (if you have not already done so):
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We also have a huge mega-FAQ which will provide hours worth of reading (and a lifetime of knowledge):
How to Grow Marijuana Everything You Need to Know

And we have many subforums/sections (several of which have their own subsections) here, so please try to spend some time over the upcoming days/weeks to fully explore our forum.

I guess my first question would be what is the best tent size for 2 autos?

Well, I have always figured the best grow tent size was one that matched the footprint (area of proper/full illumination) of the gardener's grow light(s), lol. If you've got a few CFLs, a low-wattage LED panel, a 150-watt HPS, et cetera than your "best" tent size will be significantly different than if you are going to be using a 1,000-watt (or even 600-watt) HPS or one of the more powerful LED products, for example.

But your available light is a better determining factor than the number of plants you intend to grow. Therefore, match your lighting to your grow space (or vice versa, depending on how you wish to look at it) and fill that space with cannabis (and, eventually, buds). Plant sizes vary greatly. I have seen plants grown in two-liter bottles that were fairly small (and the ones in 18-ounce Solo cups and tinier containers were really small ;) ), and have also seen plenty of monsters. Even with autoflowers, size will vary - depending on the strain you choose, the method of growing you decide to use, and your equipment, you might find yourself growing a monster. Or, of course... not.

By the way, one of those subsections I talked about above is called Auto-Flowering. You will find a wealth of knowledge in it, geared specifically towards auto-flowering strains. And it might be a more productive "place" to ask your question, because not everyone reads/posts in the Introductory section.

And we also have three "grow journal" areas:
Journals in Progress
Completed Journals
Abandoned Journals
You can randomly browse through the threads contained within, or get specific with the forum's search tool. With the "in progress" one, you can choose to "get in on the action," so to speak, by subscribing to any thread(s) that happen to catch your interest, and interact with both the thread author and other members as the grow progresses. The "completed" one allows you to see the entire grow from beginning to end. And even the "abandoned" one can offer some useful information (the journals just ended up not making it to completion for one reason or other).

Oh, there's a fourth subsection in our Grow Journal area, Grow Journals Of The Month . It doesn't have very many journals in it - but the ones it does contain tend to be considered to have "something special" to recommend them. That's how they got chosen to be in there ;) .

Again, welcome to the forum (and my virtual second home). You picked a great "place" to learn, interact, maybe someday teach, and... to have fun!
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