Good Morning All


New Member
High to my fellow growers. I took my smoke after it cured and put a couple of fresh leaves in with every OZ> Now I have noticed that the plant I took the fresh leaves from,has mites. Well they hurt dry smoke?
theres a thread on someones journal on washing buds
it may interest you as they talk about washing out all the crap from it like bugs dirt etc..
Thanks guys. I never experienced mite problems like I did with my last batch of girls. Have 2 left in bud room now and they both have mites. They are in small bud stage,so I treaded them with azatrol. I also took everything out of my room and washed the walls,floor and everything down with a bleach and water solutions. God I hope this works as I have 6 more girls ready to move into my bud room. ZIZZAG
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