

New Member
Keep getting these brown/black spots on my leaves,just took her out of hot soil a couple of days ago rinsed the root ball and put her in fresh regular organic soil. Her leaves also went from a dark green to a light green color,and she is showing signs of preflowering.
Hi & welcome to the forums :420::thumb:

Mmm some thing seems a little off but most of the time whilst in veg ya can get away with zero problems.

So it would be best to explain what you have done so far to cause such problems.

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Brown/black spots would suggest a deficiency of some sort but those types seem to be odd for vegging & the comment of hot soil i'm not sure what you mean by that at present but may lead me to think of nutrient burn symptoms on the outer margin of the leafs as well.... pic's help clear stuff up tho as with better detail.

I suspect the act of rinsing the root ball & then planting in another soil type has caused a minor nitrogen def as you have just on mass disturbed the root zone (shock) these need to settle into the new growing medium before they start doing their thing again, perhaps a week or two & at best apply a mild dosage of nutrients at 1/4 strength to help out with the def.

Now most of the time when dealing with a hot soil or PH problem which might of been caused by over feeding of nutrients one would flush the pots with 3 x the pot size of water aka a 1 gallon pot would need 3 gallons of water to flush as a standard rule of the thumb, this basically flush's out or leach out the build up of salts of nutrients from the growing medium restoring a balance so to speak. At this point you have basically over watered to correct stuff & will require time to dry out to a suitable level but his act may lead to further nutrient def as ya just washed away the best part of nutrients in the soil & to avoid this after the flush apply a half strength dosage of nutrients after the flush.

I'm not to concerned about signs of preflowering as you just need to let them settle in for a couple or so weeks before going into flower cycle of 12/12.
Your girl will be stressed for a bit after that treatment. Yellowing of leaves and preflowering can absolutely be expected. Right now your plant just got shoved into a brand new home and it doesn't know where the kitchen, or the bathroom, or bedroom is and it needs some time to feel it out before it can start filling in the space that you put it in. It needs to get it's roots settled into the soil before it can even use them properly. I would give it about two weeks of good conditions before I made any influentially changing decisions about how you are caring for it.

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