Good stash boxes


New Member
How much would a good stash box run me? Im thinking about just saving up a wad of cash and buying as much weed as i can...good weed of course. DO stash boxes hide the smell? If not its ok, i have 2 ways to hide the smell. Can anyone recommend a good stash box for a good price? Thanks
i was dumb before and got caught by the parental units with my weed.i didnt bother to hide it. cause they never go through my shit. but one day mother came in and sniffed something and found it, and i got caught. now i hide my shit in a mason jar in my bathroom closet behind blankets. i know they dont ever go through my stuff and it hides the smell really well. they are now convinced i dont smoke. cause even if they tried to find it, theyd have a hard time but they at least couldnt smell it. i dunno, thats just what works for me
i already kinda do that with my second drawer in my desk. theres 3 sections in it and i store my bud in a double safe container(a plastic bug inside of an altoids tin) and i put that in the secend part of it...i hide my pipe under my book all the way in the back. works for now. im looking into buying the one with the screen so the THC crystals collect at the bottom...thatd be rad.
I use a teenage mutant ninja tutrtles action figure case. It's right out in the open and probably the least suspicious thing in the world. I also recomend if you have a computer in your room to hide it in your printer under the lid where you change the ink cartridges. Another good place is in your computer case, crack it open toss your stash in and your good to go. There's usually tons of empty space in a computer case.
jakemeup said:
I use a teenage mutant ninja tutrtles action figure case. It's right out in the open and probably the least suspicious thing in the world. I also recomend if you have a computer in your room to hide it in your printer under the lid where you change the ink cartridges. Another good place is in your computer case, crack it open toss your stash in and your good to go. There's usually tons of empty space in a computer case.
Lol Careful with that i did it and one of my fans sucked my nick sack into it now my comp smells like bud:p
lol. thats pretty awesome...for me anyway. i love the smell of weed. but yeah i have an empty comp case because im gonna make a better comp...i guess i can stash it in there for awhile.
I put my weed in pill bottles, it hides the smell pretty well and its easier then bags because you can just pour bud out insterad of trying to get it out of the corners when the bag is almost empty.
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