Green Crack Vs The London Underground - Adverse grow in the catacombs!


Well-Known Member
So, guys: @Guy Cavallero, @Pennywise, @Jackalope, @Weaselcracker and et al! Thanks for all your invaluable help and advice..
This is a pic of what I fought, plucked, and fretted for: it’s just drying but i think over 150 grams a plant and only a few seeds: a lot of false seed pods that don’t matter much really: it’s still damn strong!
Grown in the catacombs, took work .. but

Looking great brother! So worth the time for sure. Congratulations!
Thank you Guy. I crashed last night and been super busy so didn’t reply, but you were the first to bite on my plea for help and it was a big help. In my situation I’m really in stealth mode and my girlfriend doesn’t want to know much: she’s too busy , ambitious girl; we’re both in the arts, but she’s in production, I’m an artist so there’s a big difference and she thinks this is folly. So I can’t share this stuff with anyone and this wee info-social network is a nice place. With some good people.
Thanks for your help mate. I’m very young in this game .. it’s funny tho cuz all my worry and those false seed pods actions have a genetic thing where these false seed pods, which I have quite a few of in the buds, have what I thought was vegetation but the people I know who’ve looked properly swear it’s pollen..? Wtf? So it’s strong as fuck too! Weird.. and, to my hidden glee, it has become a little known urban myth tha this green crack only a few people have had (I’m still burping the buds in Kilner Jars so ain’t let much out yet) was grown in the place it was : in the London tube lines,
Ain’t lasting though
I’m moving ., moved.. but to a better less adverse place
I love this growing lark! It’s magic innit? I trust you’re doing well, in your woodwork and budcraft and all else!
Cheers Guy,
Hell yeah. London tube grow eh.....that's insane lol. I'll sub up if you link us up.....come hang out if you're bored, Lol!
You’d make a great journal writer. Let us know if you ever start one up.
Hey Weaselcracker, cheers for that: I want to write a journal! Mos def..! Among many things I do for a living and I’ve got a gig writing a screenplay I’ve wanted to do for ages , at the same time I just got given a new space to grow in which isn’t the tiny, ancient hole I’ve been growing in, so that’s exciting too. So I’m sure I can write a journal as the new grow place gets started
My first three grows have been “adverse grows” in the space I had so I can’t wait to have room to work tbh! It’ll be greaf
I do love this. It is alchemy fo sho.. magic Will update, and I’ve read you guys’ journals y’know
Yeah cool, pm me too I’m in western Canada.
Journals with lots of adversity are the most fun to read!
Absolutely, I want to write a journal if that last catacomb tube lunacy cuz it was mad and definitely adverse as all get out.
Canada’s been home to me for periods of my life and cuz of work travel we are in that general massively huge neck of the woods often. So different here...
That was on a serious note.......lmao!? Love me some Cypress Hill. Definitely PM me, but don't forget to come hang out in the meantime......
Insane in the membrane, Ese!
Yeah, I’d definitely love to visit Canada soon: very likely when my lady’s show goes there on tour, though we may be there earlier than that cuz she’s been offered this gig consulting on Aerial choreography for Cirque de Soliel in Montreal and I’m pretty sure I’ve got a wee job doing sound engineering on a small tour for a band I work with now and then.. So very possible we meet up sometime, sooner than later maybe! Have a good one, mate!
I’m off to the park to meet some mates and sit in the sun drinking pimms! (Haha. I don’t drink “Pimms”; it is truly for middle class hipster sissies!).
London is really lovely when it’s good weather and sunny.. It better be, cuz it’s so fekkin miserable when it’s grey and rainy!!
✌️from da London Underground Posse!
{ • official caveat for all Dem’s posts • }
By the way, guys.; just to clarify, if what I write is ever a tad whack, pls note that it’s my a.m.; I’ve probably been up all night: perfect time to ramble. My condolences for any erratic rambling inflicted upon your good selves, herebefore and henceforth..,!
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