Greetings from Sacramento


New Member
I've been lurking here for a while, finally decided to register. Wow what a great forum!
About me:
Started up a garden after taking a few years off from growing. I have a little over 10 years of growing experience and have probably harvested 100 or so crops ranging from 1 plant to 30 at a time.
I have experimented with many different types of growing, soil, hydro, indoor and out. I have developed the opinion that dealing with growing medium of any kind is too much work and a big pain in the ass. From that I landed on aeroponics as my preferred growing method.
So i know a thing or two about growing but in no way do I consider myself an expert on the subject. Plan on seeing many "what do you think" type of posts from me as I like using other peoples brains. mmmmmm brains....
I plan on putting together a grow journal for my current setup (Bluedream two weeks in).

Anyway, great place, see you around.
Hey Shaggygrowing! You will enjoy all the great input to any "what do you think" Questions for sure. Is there such thing as a expert Cannabis Grower? That is why this is such a great hobby, We're always learning something new. You will be a Fantastic addition to 420. :welcome: Thank you for joining today. 420 is all about Spreading Cannabis Awareness and now with your help. You Cali Peeps are all awesome growers, Boggles the mind. Please continue to enjoy yourself and get to know us all here on 420. Looking forward in see you in the forums Friend. :roorrip: :peace:
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