Harvest & Curing - But gotta leave - Any suggestions?


New Member
Hi guys,

I am in a bit of a pickle here. I have to leave in less than a week for a work trip.

Ive got 2 micro medicine ready to harvest, except for one that still has maybe a week left. I guess I have to harvest today or tomorrow or else I cant just leave the plants to dry out for 12 days that I will be gone. I mean, this is my first personal micro grow :) and I really don't want it to go to waste.

Reading on how to harvest and cure I am worried that in this tropical climate, even in mason jars, I will get mold or rot the harvest before I even try it. Which would be a shame and a total 3 month loss :(

My question is, If I harvest tomorrow both plants, which probably wont yield more than 1-2oz between the two, and I put them on mason jars before I leave with little holes for it to breath a bit, will this do the trick? I know it wont be perfect, but at this point I guess I care more about at least being able to try it out when I get back and not loosing the harvest all together on my first micro grow.

Do I have any other options? any suggestions would be greatly appreciated...


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