Harvesting questions


New Member
Hey guys, new to any kind of blog ever, hope someone can answer a question for me. One of my plants pistols browned early 95%-100% which is to much but i waited cuz the buds on the inside of the plant, the pistols are white still and taking longer to brown. Can anyone help me!!!!!!!!!!

The pistols are irrelevant to harvest. Check out this link: TRICS AND HARVEST
Trics are what determines the potantcy of the smoke. And browning hairs is not as important as shriveling hairs.
And often in an artificial grow the top bud mature before the others. You canharvest the top buds, move lighting to benifit the others and wait for them to mature. But once you harvest the tops, the others probably wont getter any bigger due to shock, but they will get more ripe. I hope this helps a little!
This helps a lot and some things make sense now. One other thing i forgot, can i get rid of the fan leaves so more light gets in the middle part of the plant?????????

Well in my personal experience, which is not much, Yes and No. If you dont over do it, than your fine. If you remove too many, the lower buds will grow but overall growth will slow dramatically. If you do it just right your girls will thrive. In my sig you can ee how i turned one into a bonzai by going a little too crazy,although the lower buds re doing great, while the other one with less fan removal has exploded.
The other aurgument is that the fans produce and store alot of energy for the girls. So dont ever cut them off. Can you use the "tuck method" to increase light? or maybe LST?
Check out some good growers(Im just a noob) journals and see what you think. With these girls, measure twice, cut once!!
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