Heard of this travesty?


New Member
I may be being real lazy and not looking through the all the other posts but has anyone seen this site?

Drug Abuse and Substance Abuse Information | Partnership For a Drugfree America - The Partnership For a Drugfree America

im British so maybe i just haven't seen it before. But my god they teach this shit to kids, to teenagers in American high schools??? it would be better to teach them nothing as apposed to complete fabrication and misinformation.......it grinds my gears!

-check it-

its dangerous stuff
we should not be teaching kids this....period!

Peace and love :grinjoint:
I just checked it out, most of seems like the truth. Even as a drinker and a smoker, I want my kids to know the truth.

But, I think what it's missing, is that most drugs can be used responsibly and safely.

That inhalant shit scares the hell out of me, though.
kids don't huff glue because they want to get high. they *points own age group* huff glue because they have not been taught a good set of morals by their parents. my parents never told me not to heat up a piece of copper and stick it in my ear...but the common sense i derived from their good examples and positive influence led me to decide that it probably isn't a good idea.
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