Hello again, everyone!


New Member
Hey! It's been a long time since I've been on, but I'm back, and instead of Maryland, I am now right outside of Boulder, Colorado... Anyways, good to be back! Check out my new pics once I post them!
No medical card yet, but I'm not pressed because I'm my best friend's caregiver... but thanks for the welcome!
Lol, yeah... It has been a while, hasn't it?
and oh how it's good to be back! So what's been going on here for the past few years?
take a look around, can't you tell?...lol

we've been cleaning all non 420 related content out of the forums, adding more content, promoting the site, developing it into what you see here today... and we haven't even broken ground on the site re-design yet... so much more to do in the days to come... the clean up took over 2 years alone, with 5 of us on the task... stick around and be a part of our new growth my brother...;)

will you be starting a journal soon i hope?
What about 420 people looking for other 420 people to meet for events and whatnot?
we are still not allowing hookups due to the legality of it all...
if this was a website for animal lovers, we would have no issues whatsoever...
if someone meets someone on here and hooks up in a public thread, gets setup and caught, then we get dragged into the middle of it...
there are so many reasons why we simply cannot allow this yet, but our attorneys are definitely looking into every angle and when we figure out a way to do it, without repercussions, we will gladly release this wonderful new feature...;)
it's in the plan, just not the right time, YET.
not hookups... but like... I'm going somewhere, and I don't know anyone around here, so I posted asking who else is going... just so when I do go, I'll know some people...
ok cool!
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