Hello from central Canada


New Member
Oh yes, another Canadian toker has come out from the darkness, pushing through the thick clouds of billowing smoke.
I'm DeKs, and around here, I am the King of Kush.
Mind you, it's only a friendly title, and NOT a challenge to anyone out there, although challenges are welcome.
I'm of a certain age that is irrelevant. I am from a town that is irrelevant, and I don't find much use in irrelevance, neither should you.
I'm not sure what I could say that would interest any of you, so please, feel free to ask questions. I will answer them all, and in doing so, you will know what you want about me, and not need to read through a mega list of pointless, and irrelevant facts. (See, there it is again, lmao.)

Don't get the wrong idea from this either. I'm not an asshole, I'm not conceited, and I'm very easy-going.
What is up Brother DeKs? :bravo:
Great To have you here and :welcome: to 420.
Continue to :surf: the Forums where nothing is Irrelevant.
Where everyone is here for a greater Purpose... Help Legalize Cannabis!
So help 420 Spread Cannabis Awareness...King Of Kush. :thumb:
What Kush you smoking now Bro? :yummy:
Are you able to grow your own?
Looking forward in hearing more. ;)
See you around, In the Forums. :roorrip:
Hi DeKs, :welcome: to the 420Magazine forums. :welcome:
Glad you found and joined us. :thumb:
We are trying to spread cannabis awareness. But people are stubburn.
Did you get to the Olympics?
How about that hockey final?
Don't be shy, I'll see you in the forums.
High there DeKs and :welcome: to 420Mag! :cheer:

Nice to see another fellow Canuckistanian in the crowd and hope you hang around and get to know some of the great folks that fill these forums with great advice and good humour.

A couple of questions. Have you got your grow on? If so, what?

Great to have ya aboard and I'll see you in the forums! :bong:


Thanks for all the warm welcomes.
To answer some questions:

1. Right now I'm smoking an unknown strain. The buds are small, and tight as a rock. Once busted, it fluffs out wonderfully. It's packed so tight that 2 grams looks like it's only about .8 grams. A buddy of mine is calling it Rock Bud, but we dont know what the name really is.

2. I have been known to grow on occasion, however, I'm very lazy and forgetful sometimes. I've actually killed 3 or 4 full size plants because I simply forgot to check on them. There are a lot of hemp fields around here, and the police use their helicopters and those thermal imaging cameras a lot. A few homes have been busted for grow ops because of this. I only grow in the summer time because of this. This way it's not full-time, and I have bud for the winter.

3. I didn't make it to Vancouver for the Olympics actually. Current court orders and upcoming court appearances prevent me from leaving the province. No, I'm not a bad guy, but I am a criminal. I'm in court for uttering threats and breach of probation because I threatened two guys who raped my girlfriend. The charges were laid two years ago, and nothing was done about it, so I decided to take action into my own hands. Stupid idea, because now I am in trouble too. Oh well.

4. That gold medal goal was like something out of a Hollywood movie for us Canadians. At that moment, an entire nation rose to it's feet screaming "GOAL!!!!!"

I'll actually be reading a lot into the grow section. Also, I am a horrible show-off when it comes to smoking weed and taking videos and pictures. Where is the best place to post pictures of my pieces? Are there any specific threads for videos, or is that something that these forums are against?
And so the Hell is unleashed, lmao.
I will say, this is a rather vast, and very deep forum revolving around only one topic.
I also like that other drugs, hard drugs, are dissassociated. Helps me keep their though out of my head.
I've recommended 420magazine.com to most of my friends already, and they'll be checking in regularily for updates and information.
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