Hello from Denver

Catching back up to normal speed again finally. I decided that my buddies place has too many stairs! LOL! He has several flights leading up to and down from his plcae. I dislike stairs and prefer ranch style houses myself. Anyway, I am feeling much better after a restful 2 days of recovering from setting him up and all. Tonight I had some Maui Wowie, and a "choclate" trufffle, I am ready to get some pain free sleep, and tomorrow will be great, I can just feel it! :peace: Rick
Welcome to 420. About electrical questions, we have an electrician on board who can answer electrical questions. Origamijoint should be able to help if he's available. You might want to read his thread.

I rarely have to ask a question, because most have been asked and answered and it's just a matter of finding them in the forums. But you can be sure that for any question you have about growing, there's somebody here to give a meaningful answer.

See you around.
Thanks Magnificent! I have been so busy with work, life, and plants, I haven't had a chance to log back in here for a few days. So far, everything is doing well here in my little starter grow. I am so happy to be growing my own medicine to help stop my Fybromyalgia and back pains! So far, all the knowledge of the great people here on these forums has been better than any book I have ever read about growing! Thanks for being here everyone! Peace & Love to all! Rick:tokin:

Welcome to the site friend! I am here in your backyard. Very close in fact. I pm'ed you with my information. I am VERY active in the MMJ community here in our state and travel abroad to Amsterdam now numerous times a year in search of great seeds and strains. Feel free to shout at me with any questions. Including things like stores and stuff in our area...Welcome!!!
Cool beans Longhorn, I got your private message, and I'll be in touch. Sounds like we may have a lot to discuss indeed. I can only "write" in public areas so far, because not enough posts yet, but... I will be in touch! Thanks! Rick
Howdy gang, Been a while since I logged in here, been busy with work and all. I have a dillema and I am trying to pinpoint whatever I may need to do to improve my plants health overall. My plants are in Deep Water Culture systems with two 14" long high powered airstones, plus a nice recirculating pump on all systems. My room temps are between 70 to 85 daily, and approx 70 at night. My resevoir temps are between 70 to 75 daily. I am using GH nutes. At first for the first 3 weeks, I did as a local friend told told me he did with his systems, and only used one quarter strength of GH nutes from what GH nutes directions say on their products. Then, on week 4, I decided to do half strength. Oh by the way, my PH is running between 5.0 and 6.0. I only have a small liquid "starter kit" GH PH test kit. Our water here in Denver is always very high from the tap, so I have to down it slowly before resivoir changes. Anyways, The first few days of the half strength nutes looked great! The plants darkened a good bit, and were perky! BUT, within the last 3 days, they started to look unhealthy fast! Their bottom leaves yellowed, drooped, and I noticed leaf curl as well, even in their middle and top canopies. UGH! I think I have nute burn from all that I can figure from all the "stickies" and FAQ's on this site, as well as from what a few friends locally have told me. I do also have 2 larger "mom" plants in Pro Mix Potting medium. I just transplanted them into 5 gallon home depot buckets (with of course LOTS of drilled drainage holes), and I also did half strength nutes on them as well, and they too seem to be burning. Today, I flushed and leached the soil mommas, and I also did 90 % fresh PH'ed water with NO Nutes back into my resevoirs. I also added a little peroxide and a cap full of Superthrive into the bubble systems. Any and/or all comments, suggestions, critiques, and/or knowledge shared with me about my plants will be appreciated to the fullest extent! I need help and pointers and tipsfrom you seasoned pros. I used to grow outdoors a LOT in the past, and I never had plants throw leaves and droop like this before, so it really spooks me bad! I don't see how to show my pictures of my plants here yet. I will gladly try to post some if someone could tell me how? Maybe it might help with a "diagnosis" . Also, If I need to post this whole comment or question in a different part of the forum, by all means, please direct me there. Thanks gang! Much Peace and Love! Rick
Re: Greetings from the Rocky Mountain State

As I sit waiting for court to begin, high up in the mountains, I realize the face of advocacy is very complex. The futility of a failed Drug War is personified by the continued regurgetations of cancer patient Kurt Riggin before another arraignment hearing in Park County. For seven years I have lived, eat,&breathed patient advocacy, in tonite of my dead mother....a saintly woman who never missed church one Sunday in 61 years. When the War is over I will rest...
Sorry bout yu mom and keep up the work! I depend on my meds to get through the day. So far Im ok. Im not providing 4 anyone but myself so only my dr. & my family r in the loop. Still there are so many patients that HAVE NO WAY OF PROVIDING FOR THEMSELVES. This useless and anti - productive war must end.
Happy Birthday to me! Doing better here now, I did have an over-nute problem, but I only lost 2 small "scraggler" stunted plants during the chaos. Everything seems to be better now, and I am getting ready to flower soon! :wood: Thanks! Rick
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