Hello from MrMusicMan


New Member
My name is Richard. I'm 19, going on 20 in December 2004.
I live on my own in my lil apartment in Columbus, Ohio. I've got backgrounds of cherokee indian, scottish, irish, german, italian, dutch, and viking.
I've been toking for.. hm.. two years now.
I'm a part-time musician, doing a little of this and that; musical interests range depending upon the song, not the "type" of music. My strong points are science, political, and art in many forms. I like computer games and such. I've just begun to grow my own marijuana. Heh, I started about two weeks ago.
I'm a bit disabled atm so I'm not doing much other than working a certain amount of time each week. I own a VW Bus and a lovely ol' blue chevy truck.
I plan either to study to be a carpenter, graphic arts, or neutro-therapist. Firing up my bong now.. mmm.. I go dutch.
Yeah, VW buses are the shit. But, I have yet to paint it true. You can't have a VW bus without going psycadelic. :) And I dont mind the flowers on the seats, makes me feel a true born hippy!
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