Help - Browser safety - Is the forums 'stealth mode' enough?

Hi Happyjoy,

There is no need for any of that, it is simple to protect one's anonymity and completely safe to post here as long as you follow our Posting Guidelines.

When you post, we recommend that you not reveal details or unique bits of information about yourself. This coupled with our rule against sharing email or other forms of (real world) contact is key to ensuring optimal security. As one who is concerned about their personal safety, keep in mind the following tips when posting photos: Make sure that there is no identifying information anywhere in the photo, i.e. license plates, papers or labels with names, addresses, or phone numbers on them. Be mindful of objects in the background as well, i.e. mirrors or other things that reveal your identity like prescription bottles or magazine labels.

Please allow me to direct you to our thread about this in our Questions and Answers forum for more of an explanation on how you can keep yourself as safe as possible when posting here: Questions and Answers - The Safety/Legality of 420 Magazine

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