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Plant almost 2 weeks old from seed is showing signs of deficiency I lowered my nutrients and have pH sitting around 5.8 to 6.2


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Do you feed/water from the top, into the rockwool cube, or just use the drip ring?

If you only use the drip ring, I suggest installing a dripper over the cube, or hand watering at least twice a day until the root mass develops more.
I use 5.8 from seed/clone through the agressive vegetation stages. Transition to flower is at 6.0, and then 6.2 until the flush before harvest, when I'm back down to 5.8.
I use water from an RO. It's not quite as pure as distilled water as I don't run it through the de-ionization stage. This works well for me, and is much more cost effective than distilled water.
Did you soak your rockwool in low pH water and was it in the square the whole time that would make it mad to cause the high pH of rockwool
I would just hand water very very light nutes or plain water until your root develop a little more
Did you soak your rockwool in low pH water and was it in the square the whole time that would make it mad to cause the high pH of rockwool
I would just hand water very very light nutes or plain water until your root develop a little more
No I started in soil it's only been in for 2 or 3 days and I soaked it in 5.5 to 6 pH water
Reverse Osmosis system. I've dealt with Aquasafe Systems for over 15 years. Their units are among the lowest cost available. Other than replacing the filters every year or two (I'm on a well, every three to six months for municipal supplies), I've replaced the membrane once.
Yes you should be fine then usually takes about a week to recover from transplant you did wash all the dirt off the roots before putting it in there right just covering bases before it to late
Also next time you soak take it down to 5 I think it's is cause new rockwool is 8 or something like that and if you soak it in 6 then it will only take it to about 7 but yeah if you stay on your pH she'll be fine
Also next time you soak take it down to 5 I think it's is cause new rockwool is 8 or something like that and if you soak it in 6 then it will only take it to about 7 but yeah if you stay on your pH she'll be fine
Huh is there a alternate I could get before my roots take too much to it that is more pH neutral?
Also I'm on 24hr light with CFLs and am getting a 315wat LEC is 24hr too aggressive for veg I know for flower to knock it down

Yeah, my guy, too aggressive. Plants, like just about everything, need some rest. Some think plants grow best or the most when the lights are off.

I'd give them four hours minimum. Six is "normal" for photo period plants.

Good luck!
It will eventually Ballance out and be fine you would do more damage taking it out now
Massmedman is right let her sleep even 4 hours I'm a 18 and 6 myself I didn't see that until just now you got this roll a fatty chill and let her do her thing
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