hermophite polliated seeds?


New Member
hi, this is kimo posting on vaping's thread.
my summer crop was doing fine until i found that a hermophitide plant pollinated all my crop, females, before i could pull it. because the seeds were all from good stock, will the seeds from these be ok, or will they go hermothidite too? i am in desparate need of seeds. thank you for your help.
hi, this is kimo posting on vaping's thread.
my summer crop was doing fine until i found that a hermophitide plant pollinated all my crop, females, before i could pull it. because the seeds were all from good stock, will the seeds from these be ok, or will they go hermothidite too? i am in desparate need of seeds. thank you for your help.
If it was a stressed out female that threw a few bananas then the seeds should be alright. if it was a full blown hermie then they will be hermie and should be used only for practice.
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