Hey All First Time New Grow


Well-Known Member
Hello all new grower here (first time grow in fact)
I am using A.C fem sees I have 2 just went to 12/12 oh bout two weeks now
pure Coco media in fabric smart pots
I have a gazillion roots coming out the bottom of the pots but I do not see a single one poking the sides at all no where nope nadda????
Is this ok / normal ??
There's also not as much light down bottom. The light prunes them also.
I do have trays under but no standing water in them
I am on them x2 a day and am home every night ATM
Hmmmmm pics huh lemme think on that one I am a bit skeptical at the moment seeing it is not actually legal to grow here yet
You can get plant elevators to keep the plants off the trays. Or, just remove standing water after feeding. The side roots won't grow through much. The bottom one's that do grow through will get long enough if the conditions allow,, to be able to drink standing water. You can scrape the roots off the bottom, but it depends how big they get.
Awesome Thank you everyone for the replies, I shall not be overly concerned then
Next time Im in there I will send some pics in prob this afternoon ish
Hmmmmm pics huh lemme think on that one I am a bit skeptical at the moment seeing it is not actually legal to grow here yet
90% of the people here are in similar areas...pics are encrypted and wiped of data...just don't include your passport in the pic!
My crude starting closet


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These are the 2 that I veg'd for around 12 wks they are in day 11 of 12/12


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Ok So should I just keep posting here or start a new post for anyone that wants to follow or read my ghetto grow LOL
Click on "report" and ask them to move this to "Grow Journals"...you can also change the title of the thread.

If you want to get bigger plants (and yields) consider investing in more lighting.

LOl yes I understand , I have 4 more HID set-ups ready to go might need a new bulb or two but my real issue until spring is I do not have enough power in the room to handle more draw. I already have a length of sub panel 100A cable and a small sub panel to mount in the room but can not run it till spring.
I am hoping to have it ran by the time I harvest these two seeing I have 6 more a week old that will be going in there at that time. I am going to put smoe black/white plastic up and separate the room into 2 or 3 areas. I am going to try to always keep 3-8 in veg and 2-4 going to flower after every harvest if that will work I dunno
Ok so the small bushy plant from the closet are in the plastic pot got transferred to a 3 gal smart pot in coco .

Little jistory on that one is: the plant was my neighbors and the guy just put his last 3 seeds in some soil and stuck em near a window (keeping in mind this was just around thanksgiving time) so 1 out of 3 sprouted and it was this 8-12 inch long white string with just barely 2 leaves on it LOL.
For a week he was telling me this thing is growing great;). So I was re doing some things in my small grow area with my good friend and I said why not just bring it over here and I will keep it next to mine.

When we saw what he was trying to grow we were like :eek::oops::oops:. Thinking to ourselves how stupid some people really are. SO I waited a day then dug a little trench and buried it with some spare coco I had and it finally went to re veg and now it is finally taking off Slowly very slowly but it is ALIVE !!!!
Oh and also while I was transferring it I did do a little defoliation to it and a lower leaf I was taking off Lo and behold had some roots attached so I figured why not throw into a SOLO with some coco and see what happens right !!
Worst thing it dies , throw on leaf pile it dies , put in cup just might have gotten a clone?? We will C
I can say I am down with the flu right now and I have not purchased a Ec or Ph tester yet but I do plan on it as soon as I can .
I have not checked either since start of grow and they are doing great ??? Could I have just gotten lucky enough to have been using the proper or allowable Ph levels Hmmmm ???
LOl yes I understand , I have 4 more HID set-ups ready to go might need a new bulb or two but my real issue until spring is I do not have enough power in the room to handle more draw. I already have a length of sub panel 100A cable and a small sub panel to mount in the room but can not run it till spring.
I am hoping to have it ran by the time I harvest these two seeing I have 6 more a week old that will be going in there at that time. I am going to put smoe black/white plastic up and separate the room into 2 or 3 areas. I am going to try to always keep 3-8 in veg and 2-4 going to flower after every harvest if that will work I dunno
That's what I thought when I first started, but the more/longer you grow the bigger they will get...I run a perpetual grow, I have 6 clones going at different stages in a veg closet, and 2 in flower, 4 weeks apart...and I pull a little over a QP per plant to smoke, with about 2 Oz of fluff (small lower buds) for wax or butter...
But hey it looks like you're off to a good start...and don't worry about what you grow room looks like, as long as it produces healthy plants, it's all good...and BTW :welcome: to the jungle :goodluck:
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