Hi 420 Magazine Happy to be able to share with the community.


New Member
Hi how is everyone doing, I am new to the Forum, I have browsed through this forum for many years and found a lot of great information. I am a grower, I have been growing since 2007 My father has CCSVI a rare medical condetion that has caused him to lose the ability to comuncate and some motor skills have been effected. With Medical Cannabis he is able to stay relaxed and focus. Below if any one would like to read any information i will put a link that has info to help spread the word. Cant wait to share my videos and pictures with all of you.

CCSVI - Home

We're so excited that you've come to 420! This place is amaing.

I'm sorry to hear about your father. He's certainly blessed to have you to look after him.

Marijuana saved my life. And it should be celebrated for all the loves it changes. I wish you all the best and can't wait to get to know you.

With love,

We're so excited that you've come to 420! This place is amaing.

I'm sorry to hear about your father. He's certainly blessed to have you to look after him.

Marijuana saved my life. And it should be celebrated for all the loves it changes. I wish you all the best and can't wait to get to know you.

With love,

Thanks I'll be posting a lot of pictures
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