High THC


Well-Known Member
Hey I talk with the guy yhe other day he kinda have consulting company for cannabis and he told me if we streas our plants they produce more THC. For exemple if we make too cold s,water them with cold water and , turn on the fans on hight level,using uvc,a,b lights so he said any kind of a stress will make them to produce more the. Dis u agree with that theroy ?
I like making sure my soil has lots of chitin in it, I use Optiveg and also have lots of rove beetles that live and die in my soil leaving lots of chitin behind and my soil always has Crustacean meal in it. I believe this kind of chemically stresses the plant because it associates high levels of chitin with an insect attack and produces more oil.
Then Sulphur and Silica.
Then turn down the humidity to where its in the 30s the final two weeks.

These few things seem to really bring out the trichomes.
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