Hola from New Jersey


New Member
I'm from New Jersey. I'm 21 years old and I use marijuana for about 12 years now. jes i know that cant be possible but I was a terrible car accident and my limbs have been extreme pain. i don't grow my own but would to here advice and tips from experienced growers. trust me, it will save me A LOT of money from traveling to beautiful California:surf: and back to new jersey.

On a political note. I 100% support legalizing weed and not because I smoke a lot. I have friends who do it for recreational use and all contempt and chill. I love seeing them like that.Even though the weed i smoke does not get me high like they do. Marijuana is not harmful.

I am very happy to be apart of this community:blunt:
*excuse me it is about time to light a few up*
Welcome to 420! We're glad you're here

Growing can be tricky, but it's not always as hard as you think! If you do decide to start growing, we've got a grow kit that can help you out. It's got the plant food, nutrients, and pesticide you need. Plus it comes with measuring equipment and a feeding chart. Makes it super easy to understand, use, and have a great grow. It's just around $30 and you'll grow a lot of good stuff. Just click the link below to visit our website if you're interested in trying it out. :ganjamon:
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