Home test (pictures) and a little natural detox story. Some advice?


New Member
Hi everyone!
I've decided to post here in hopes of advise and sharing my story which my help some people to pass the test/detox or will just give and idea of natural cleansing time frame.
I'm 5.2 tall, honestly don't know how much I weigh, I'd guess 140-145lbs, so I'm not your skinny anorexic girl. I don't exercise much, a bit of running and such couple of times a month.
I've been smoking for the past year on a semi-regular basis, meaning every day, then get clean for 2 months, then smoke again. You get the pattern (mainly because I thought my old job would do a drug test, but they didn't).
I've now been abstaining for I'd say 45 days (roughly as I don't remember the exact date of the last hit). Before that I haven't smoked for about 2 months out of solidarity with my hubby who had to pass a piss test (and he passed twice in the period of 1 week). Then, celebrating him passing the test, we smoked for about a week or so every day for 3-5 bowls.
At some point I've started realizing that the company where I worked was going down so I stopped smoking thinking that I might need to find a new job. Which turned out to be exactly right as they laid me off in mid August.
So I had a job interview with a good company where I'd like to work and I got the job. I'm being told that I will have a drug test some time next week. At that point I will be about 50 or so days without smoking. I'm a very paranoid person, so I went ahead and got a home drug test from Walgreens (Quickscreen brand) and used my first void of the day today. The test came up negative. I'm attaching pictures for those who might want to measure their results against mine.


As you can see the second line is not very prominent, however it's there. It might look a bit lighter/darker depending on the lighting. So IMHO negative first void pretty much means I'm clean. Of course only the official lab test next week will show the results for sure. But for now that's the best answer I've got.

Now I'd like to briefly describe what me and my hubby did to "detox". Well he's a very active man, not a lot of body fat, good long workouts twice a week, but he was a heavier smoker than I am. And I'm a very lazy person, not that much of work out kinda girl. However we both feel the same things helped us. We always start our day with drinking a RedBull. And while it is not the healthiest thing in the world but it's the only thing that cures my headaches that are associated with low blood pressure. And my hubby, well he just likes how it tastes. At any rate, we drink RedBull frequently. And as much as everyone says that Niacin doesn't work I'd like to say that it's a great supplement which helps to boost your metabolism. You can get a 100% your daily Niacin amount from an energy drink (I assume any energy drink, but I'm only drinking one brand), that plus vitamins and, maybe, some Niacin in pill form can give your metabolism a great kick. Which in turn will help your body to detox naturally over time. Thus it's not an overnight method, but if you have a couple of weeks to play around with i'd reccomend kicking it up a notch with some metabolism boosters.

So here is my story. I wanted to share it with others but mainly ask the same question thats been asks here million times: Do you think I will pass the piss test next week? Do you think I still should drink 2-3 Gatorades before the test?
Re: Home test (pictures) and a little natural detox story. Some advise?

In your case I think you'll be fine but always use some dilution the morning of the test just to be extra sure. Drink maybe 24 ounces of gatorade the morning of the test, pee 3 or 4 times and then use your midstream urine for the collection cup.
I caution people not to rely too heavily on test strips. Not because they're inaccurate because they are very accurate. Its because your metabolism varies day to day and you might show negative on a strip test one day and fail the next. Thats why its important to do a little dilution the morning of the test.
I buy my test strips off of ebay for about $1.40 each.
Re: Home test (pictures) and a little natural detox story. Some advise?

Thanks for the response. I was a bit worried that the line is somewhat faint, but I did take the first void of the day to test the worst case scenario. Also I'm planning on eaten fatty high calorie food so my body would stop trying to process stored fat. And then drink Gatorade on the day of the test. Being clean for 50 days probably helps too. But like everyone else who posts here I'm a bit uneasy about the whole thing.
Re: Home test (pictures) and a little natural detox story. Some advise?

The faint line doesn't mean anything. On test strips a line is a line and if its viewable at all its considered a negative.
You should be fine.
Hey. Just wanted to update. I had my drug test at Quest Diagnostics. First time i drunk 2 bottles of Gatorade and I was pissing clear like every 10 minutes. So that was a bit of an overkill and the fast came back inconclusive (whatever the hell that means), so I was re-tested and that time i just drunk a cup of water and a cu of green tea about 3 hrs before the test, so my sample was very light yellow. I passed the test and will be starting at my new job soon. Yay!
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