How often do you put clean water without feed on soil


New Member
Hi guys iv come off hydro and moved to soil less work if been told.
Im running a co co set up just started them currently I'm feeding them every 2 days 6 days in know.

Do I put clean water without feed on the other day ..

Any help would be appreciated
Feeding every 2 days sounds like too much. Don't feed until the plant has 4 sets of leaves or more. If you water every 2 days you will be overwatering them. If a leaf and its stem is drooping then the plant is underwatered; if the leaf is drooping but its stem is not then the plant is overwatered. A healthy plant will have its leaves parallel with the ground or point upwards at a 45 degree angle from the ground. If you tell us what nutes you are using I can give you a better estimate on how much to feed
Buddogreen thanks for your info will have s look cheers

Feeding every 2 days sounds like too much. Don't feed until the plant has 4 sets of leaves or more. If you water every 2 days you will be overwatering them. If a leaf and its stem is drooping then the plant is underwatered; if the leaf is drooping but its stem is not then the plant is overwatered. A healthy plant will have its leaves parallel with the ground or point upwards at a 45 degree angle from the ground. If you tell us what nutes you are using I can give you a better estimate on how much to feed

iv been watering a couple less they seem to be standing stronger than the others with what you're saying there I think I'm overwatering them, im using coco's A & B using 100ml - 100L & 2l every 2 days! There a week into veg

I've read that coco usually means you need to add more cal-mag than usual, have you been adding any yet? It's best/healthiest to give the plants a very tiny bit of nutes with each watering but if you're inexperienced then you run the risk of overfeeding. I found the numbers of your nutes: Coco A NPK Formula: 4-0-1 and Coco B NPK Formula: 0-4-2. Those 0's mean the A has no phosphorous and the B has no Nitrogen, probably not ideal. So how much of each do you use currently?
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