How to get my bud?


New Member
Aight so heres the spill:

I want weed. I know a few people that have weed. The problem is I am not conformable smoking unless I am in complete control of the situation. Therefore it has to be my idea, my time, my friends, my house, etc. I get to paranoid if not, and then the experience isnt enjoyable for me. The problem is, the only people that I buy from are the cool friend dealer types, and they want you to kick it with them and have a bowl with them. But thats not how I want to do it.

How do I get my bud and not seem like a total asshole to my dealer?
Just say no:smokin:
You could smoke a little and then leave. I've done that. I like to socialize after a purchase but that doesn't mean you have to get stoned.
Tell him it's for a friend and he is waiting at the Wendys for you...
have a friend pick it up for you and smoke him out for the finders fee........
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