How to know when a clone is ready to come out of high humidity.

I cut some clones about a week ago. Cleaned off the excess leaves except for the growth tip and leaves at the end. Put them in damp soil mix a few inches deep after soaking in rooting solution as instructed on the rooting solution box. They wilted the first day without the high humidity needed. I used a large ziplock bag misted water into the bag and put over the pot which has the four clones.

The cones perked right up within a day and look they have been doing just fine. One leaf yellowed a little but I beleive that is due to the leaf touching the bag and condensation for too long.

Anyways I have read that the clones take about 4 weeks to grow an adequate root system. I don't want to pull the clones out to check their roots so I'll keep an eye on the cuttings and make sure they look healthy which they do. I take the bag off every other day make sure the soil is ok and mist the bag a little and put back on. This way they can breathe a little.

How long should I leave them covered in high humidity? Should they be ok on their own without the humidity tent once they start to grow? Growing should be a sign of good roots right?
is it okay to prune large fan leaves off of 1 week old clones? there is new growth and the large fan leaves are just pulling the plant over to one side. i heard it was okay to clip some of these leaves off at the stem so that the plants concentrate more on the roots then the large fan leaves.

any ideas?
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