I have the best plant ever (pics included)

Krazy Klown

New Member
The reason I have the best is because there is buds everywhere, and I mean everywhere......

I found 2 leaves with buds growing out of them.




WHAT THE WHAT!!!!!............aint never seen that before....good job man....cant wait to see how the "leave buds" turn out.....I'll be watching.

how old is she....
what ya feeding her....and WHAT strain is that!!!.......kool deal

Thats tops mate! hahah i dont think ill ever see that again hahah and how hard/fussy is the trimming going to be if the fan leaves even have buds haha goodluck and again thats just beautiful
haha nice. less scrap more bud thats whats up.

yes l8 i agree...wtf is that supposed to mean?
i hope its just that many ppl HAVE died due to a highly contagious illness and not that anything mexican related is infected and will die from some bizarre mutated flu virus.

...btw...its gotten to the opposite side of the continent pretty quickly...just a lil freaky....lil bit.

sick looking plant krazy. +props on how ever the hell you managed to get buds growing on your plants leaves.
Ya know... I'm constantly amazed at the amazing variations in living things on this planet. When I see the amazing things that life does, I'm not one bit surprised that we all grew out of the same organic materials and differentiated into the various species. I just can't imagine that universe is anything less than VERY populated with life (in a comparative way). It seems to me that you just can't stop lifeforms from forming and growing. I wonder what strange and interesting things will be discovered in the near future. As our ability to reach out an detect other worlds, I'm sure we'll all be shocked and amazed by the life we discover.
Sure would be nice to hang around and watch. Perhaps in my final moments on this mortal coil it will all be magically revealed to me... but I suspect the mystery will continue.
Amazing plant... please keep it's DNA alive, and share it around as much as you can.

Twisted thoughts....

Here is a little more info about her and my set up. This plant is a clone and her mom had some weird things on her too. (This pic is of her mother.) More info here


Now I can't tell you what strain this is because I don't know. See, I started growing awhile back because my wife needs it for medicinal use. I don't smoke anymore. After growing for awhile I realized what crap my wife was getting. It was always wet and sometimes full of seeds, seems like people don't dry or cure it. I just wanted her to have better that what she was getting.

I am no expert by no means, but this is so fun to grow. The original seeds where bag seeds. Once I weeded out the males (no pun intended) I started cloneing the females. So now I have a few strains but no clue what they are, but my wife says it's the best she ever had. And yes I did take a clone from this one too. Can't wait to see what the next one looks like.

That plant has at least some Chinese genetics in it. Cannabis Chinensis. Characterized by often having little buds growing out of the "core" of the fan leaves or even along the fan leaves' stems.
Just a few of my babies. Red cups are purple snow caps not sexed yet. Blue cups are my Big Bud females, out growing the snow caps, that are 5 weeks old, big bud only 3 weeks old gotta love em.
haha nice. less scrap more bud thats whats up.

yes l8 i agree...wtf is that supposed to mean?
i hope its just that many ppl HAVE died due to a highly contagious illness and not that anything mexican related is infected and will die from some bizarre mutated flu virus.

...btw...its gotten to the opposite side of the continent pretty quickly...just a lil freaky....lil bit.

sick looking plant krazy. +props on how ever the hell you managed to get buds growing on your plants leaves.

i agree.. but this is a krazy looking plant! i would be honored!
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