I swear I’m feeding


Well-Known Member
Girl scout cookie outside soil.
So a week ago I feed her 1t epsom 1 mil cal mag I’m out of fox farm grow big/tiger bloom I have Big bloom 3 mil
I also added voodoo juice terpinator and bud candy.

She’s in soil 3rd week in bud - showed heat stress 2 weeks ago in hot Florida sun
Every other week she does this
I checked runoff at 5.5
In at 6


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Sounds like your feeding multiple nutrients at the same time.?
Can you list exactly what your feeding and how much and how often?

Also is your plants container sitting directly on the ground outside (on concrete) or other? Cause with the heat that could be heating your roots up alot and causing issues. Id recommend putting the pots ontop of a box or outside patio table, anything to get them off the ground.

Your using dirt? How often do you water?
Did you grow from seed or clone?

Questions answered will help us all help you.
Yeah I thought ph was low. Does it discolor leaves this way? This pic was her dragged into direct sun but mostly
Pot and plant are not in direct sun- this part of patio is barefoot cool
I’m feeding about once a week when the yellowing starts to appear
Seed/ soil / water every 3-4 days and I alternate nutes vs water every other
I listed exactly what I feed above
For 3rd week into bloom once a week seems like no where near enough. I know my outdoor girls are always thirsty and are dry every time I check on them, I swear they could drink twice a day most times and mine around about the same time frame as yours. I let mine dry out completely and that’s still at the most every other day
Yes you are feeding her, but maybe just not the right stuff. If you're out of Grow Big, you can't just feed it a bunch of other stuff and think that will be OK. I'm familiar with the FF trio, but not the other stuff. A quick search shows me that some of the stuff you're using is more geared toward hydroponics. Also, I see very little nitrogen to no nitrogen in the stuff you're feeding her. The local Ace Hardware stores around here carry some of the FF line of nutes. If not that, then I would try some fish emulsion. Those usually have an N-P-K of 5-1-1.
For 3rd week into bloom once a week seems like no where near enough. I know my outdoor girls are always thirsty and are dry every time I check on them, I swear they could drink twice a day most times and mine around about the same time frame as yours. I let mine dry out completely and that’s still at the most every other day

I’ve been lifting her every 2 days and SHE IS LIGHT - so I will start more
Big 13 I added nitro today
Thankyou so much guys.
Good luck with your grow. I'll be looking forward to an update, as I am always interested in how fellow Sunshine State, in soil outdoor growers are doing. :yummy:
Good luck with your grow. I'll be looking forward to an update, as I am always interested in how fellow Sunshine State, in soil outdoor growers are doing. :yummy:

Wow-2 days extra (normal) water and she’s stinky again!! Thanks- so what’s the best way to know nute deficiency before watching leaves turn yellow?
I think the best way to avoid yellow leaves or other problems is to follow a feeding schedule. If you're using the FF trio, they have a schedule on their website. Also, look at the label on their bottles. It says to feed every other watering. I also keep a written journal where I record everything.

Do you have a pH meter?? PH going in should be at 6.5 after any neuts added. If you pH is out of wack the plant will go into neut lock and it will take up nothing.
Ok thanks - forgot I’m growing outside and ph should be important still

Next what throws Me is the nute mix by milliliter per gallon.

I think I just learned that the usage of the word “gallon” is for mixing only and not necessarily mean drown your plant in one day with that gallon?

I guess the next level is learn the old in our method and not AMOUNT of water but ppm/ph in and ppm /ph

Anyone use manure on soil/outdoor grow?
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