I want to make brownies for christmas


New Member
Hello. I am new here. I just bought a 50$ slab of cannabutter from a trusted source, and now I am reading up on all the varieties of brownie recipes. Most of them start out with having to make cannabutter first. Well, obviously mine is already made. What is the general consensus for amount of butter (melted? unmelted?) for one box of Betty Crocker? I want to keep it simple, folks...help me out here. I am clueless. I want to make the brownies for my husband because he has lung cancer and can no longer smoke. Thanks!:cheer:
Hey there Thanks RicoRico. I did end up making the brownies. I used Betty Crocker and used half of the cannabutter I purchased. The brownies are nice but they require a little "umph" from other relaxation tools such as a lil' toke for me and some sangria and moonshine concoction that we have on hand. I would like to figure out the correct proportions. I liked the brownies though, don't get me wrong. I would like them to be more powerful. These make you really happy and relaxed and then have put my husband and I out for about a 4 hr. nap. Not exactly the reaction I was looking for, but still an entirely acceptable one, lol. Of course we could've also fallen asleep because we ate our "dessert" before Christmas dinner! Same thing last night: a small one before and a small one after dinner. \

So if anyone has advice on correct proportions for a box of Betty Crocker please let me know. It was baked in a 8 in. pan.

Also to get the cannabutter into liquid (oil) form, I microwaved/stirred it until it was melted ( or mostly melted, and then stirred the still solid part with the part that had melted in the micro). Point being, I tried to be gentle with it and had it in the micro for as little as possible. Does microwaving it to melt it damage any characteristics of the cannabis butter?

Re: help me with my brownies: I want to make brownies for Christmas.

If the temp gets above 325* it starts to vaporize the thc
Best recipe I've found to make oil then I use oil in place of butter or a recipe that calls for oil
Xlr8's Magic Brownies - Step by Step - With Pictures!
Re: help me with my brownies: I want to make brownies for Christmas.

If the temp gets above 325* it starts to vaporize the thc
Best recipe I've found to make oil then I use oil in place of butter or a recipe that calls for oil
Xlr8's Magic Brownies - Step by Step - With Pictures!

so what method would you recommend to melt the cannabutter into an oil other than the microwave? a slow simmer on the stove? I guess it's possible then that I may have ruined the cannabutter by microwaving it? what do you think?
I can not make oil, it is just not possible for me. I have to buy the cannabutter already made and go from there. So I need to find an effective method to convert the solid to oil and also conversion for recipes that call for oil...like how much cannabutter would equal a half cup of oil for instance....anyone, chime in!

Re: help me with my brownies: I want to make brownies for Christmas.

Just use all the butter next time :)
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