

New Member
Just wanted to say a quick Hello and introduce myself. My Name is Ariana and I am a medical user living in Vermont. As of today our first of 4 dispensaries opened. My refusal to participate is a long story.
I have decided to grow my own outdoor for now. I have much to learn. I look forward to using the forums and learning as much as possible.
When younger I would help my dad with his plants and would like to share from that. I am also in the budding stage of my first Bubba Kush (a friend gave me the seeds), and am stumped as to what i have read and what my dad would do during this cycle.
Would also love to hear from other Vermont MM users and growers.
Presently, dues to dispensary issues here in the state I opt to purchase elsewhere (not the streets), and have had a bit of success, though I am interested in other aspects such as concentrates, which I have dabbled (no pun intended), in making my own. Anyone willing to share their secrets, My door is open.

Thanks for the opportunity to join this community, as I look forward to a lifelong adventure in self healing.

Hi Ariana!

Welcome to 420 Magazine and the community of members that gathers here. I know you will find the members to be warm, welcoming, and generous in spirit and sharing information. This site is a tremendous resource of knowledge and interaction.

Would offer to point out a few areas and save you some time in getting the most out of the site. There is a wealth of information under the tab at the top entitled "Grow Room". The first sub-heading "How to Grow Marijuana" is far more encompassing than the title might suggest. Virtually every topic under the sun, related to cannabis, is covered there.

Another feature I find invaluable is the "search" feature located under the "Forums" tab. This will retrive every entry on the site that includes whatever word or words you enter. You can also search within any given thread (or journal) by opening that entry and utilizing the "search thread" tool in the gray bar just above the first entry on any given page.

I hope you'll consider creating a journal and sharing your grow efforts with us and we all learn from one another regardless of experience level.

Be well, happy growing and again :welcome: to :420:
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