Is My Liquid Culture Ready?

The fridge just slows the mycelium down and LC's can last for a few years if taken care of. I just shot up the last of a Turkey Tail LC I had from early 2020 (possibly late 2019) and still viable and so you never know. In my overall experience growing all kinds of mush, edibles, exotics, whatever the case, 2 years is a common average before it's probably discard time. Your mileage may vary. No need to stir while in the fridge, you are GTG fungus friend and ready to fire at will. :volcano-smiley:
The fridge just slows the mycelium down and LC's can last for a few years if taken care of. I just shot up the last of a Turkey Tail LC I had from early 2020 (possibly late 2019) and still viable and so you never know. In my overall experience growing all kinds of mush, edibles, exotics, whatever the case, 2 years is a common average before it's probably discard time. Your mileage may vary. No need to stir while in the fridge, you are GTG fungus friend and ready to fire at will. :volcano-smiley:

I had written on some blue painter's tape - Use By Feb 1. I will correct it accordingly.
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