Is this a cal issue?

Calcium and iron are immobile, they are only transported durong the transpiration process when light is on. Thays why immobile deficiencies show up at the new growth, mobile like mag and nitrogen, can be transported from the bottom(older growth) to new growth when source is limited(def.)
So up your cal/mag/iron, plants use lots of calcium, its used primarily for building the cell walls and vascular tubing! and magnesium is in charge of chlorophyll production and iron is a catalyst for chlorophyll production, cal/mag/nitrogen/iron all work together!!!!!
Take out the R/O. The only reason the plant looks good still is because you supply calcium. Those spots are a calc/mag deficiency. It's not a bad one but it would be if you didn't supplement calcium. R/O takes minerals out, particularly calcium. You are adding it and the R/O is taking it away. If your water doesn't smell like dog shit, I'd recommend you just use tap water.
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