Issues with my starts


New Member
so this is my second round of starts from germination.. im using earthgro potting soil. which is what i used my first time with no issues.. currently after 2 weeks of growth my plants seem to shrivle and die.. per the pictures you can see.. i know its not water.. i dont think i over watered.. but i noticed the main stem is really weak which also makes it top over.. any ideas on my issue? and possible fixes? Thanks!!

Umm... It's hard to tell from the picture, but I think your lights are too high and the plant is stretching for the light.. Overstretching will cause a plant to topple. Are you using any low powered fans pointed at the seedlings? That also can help strengthen a seedling at a young age, but causes your soil to dry quicker.


"A human being is a part of a whole, called by us _universe_, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest... a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty." - Albert Einstein
I agree with SciFi your lights are too high. If their CFL's or tube flourescents you can put them like 2 inchs from the tops. Also it looks like overwatering. When you overwater the soil you drown the roots and choke the plant. If your watering everyother day try going like once every four days. It's cool if the top inch or so of soil dries out but if you really can't stand it you can try putting some mylar or white cardboard around the stem at the bottom to keep the soil in the dark.
sorry took so long to respond.. yes its a cfl light.. i moved it closer to hopefully stop it from stretching also i havent watered it since my initial post do you think its too late to come back? or is there a slight chance?
I see the one on the right should survive but the other that i can see look like they have a small chance. i'd just wait and see.
no i didn't at the time since they were so small.. the 2 on the left died and the one on the top right was long gone i think.. i preformed a nice burial yesterday for them
Never too small for a fan, I turn the fan on the moment they break the surface. Might have to utilize a smaller fan than what you have or turn it so the blown air reflects off some walls or something until it gets big enough to handle direct air. Sorry to hear about the ones that bit it...might have one of those myself today.
grab a fan and put a wire in the ground around the stem to hold it up until it gets stronger. thats the best way but you can also gently bend the stem left and right to strengthen it. what your looking to do is to somewhat crush the cells in the stem so the plant heals thicker. kinda like a mauy tia fighter kickin trees to strengthen their shin bones.
i had this issue once with my seedies make sure to keep em under 24hrs of constant light have a fan on it and move it close to the light
They don't neccesarilly need 24/0 light cause the plant gathers energy during the day and use that energy to grow at night. There's also a post on here somewhere i believe that has a long discussion about roots growing during the night cycle. I would have to look for it to really remember read it a long time ago.
I had the starts going with the CFL light which is what you see in the picture.. i moved it closer for a week and it helped. couple of them died so i started over with the MH600w light.. which is helping alot more now. have it starting there second week with no issues on the new ones. the old one had some shock to it so it basicly started over. will give them there first feed on friday hopefully that will make them blossum more =) they are also on a 18-6 cycle with the fan on them during the 18 cycle
i turn the fan off at night to make sure the temp in the room doesnt get too cold.. i guess people have diff methods. im sure in the spring and summer i will have the fan on constant.. but its still winter here
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