I've done something terrible....


New Member
Ok, I went to transplant my plant this morning.. and when i was taking it out of the pot it was in it fell out and it seems some of the roots have broke.. the plant seems to be on its 5th node. It hs its 3 leaf set, and 3 sets of 5 leafs and starting its forth now. But will breaking some of its roots kill the plant all together or just shock it and I shall expect no growth for about a week?
Depends how many were broken...if it wasn't a lot then it should be ok, may show signs of shock but should recover.

If you want some encouragement I had to transplant all three of mine when they were six days old with small fragile roots. The runt was the hardest as it had very small roots and since they were all in the same cup I know I tore some of its roots. After transplanting it I had it sitting by the door of the cabinet and as usual got distracted (I think I was reading these forums lol) and forgot it was there. Suddenly I remembered where I left it, jumped up, and went to get it because I have two cats...one of which has a thing for plants. Sure enough, the cup was empty and I found the poor seedling a few feet away laid out on the carpet. The demon cat (her nickname) had pulled it out and apparently lost interest in it. Fearing the worst I gently picked it up and put it back in the soil. It, nor the others, never showed any sign of transplant shock :)
Ok, I always knew they were very tough plants, just seeing some other opinions about it. Thanks man. But should I give it like a 20 30 20 nute or just wait?
I'll see if I can get some pics today but I cut the 3 leaf sets off because it looked like they died. I'll get some pics up shorty.
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