Kaneh Bosm: Cannabis in the Old Testament

separation from the shekinah
The Goddess returned to the Hebrew faith somewhat later in a form of Jewish mysticism called the Cabala. This teaches that the Shekinah is the female soul of God,
who couldn't be perfect until he was reunited with her. Cabalists believed that
it was God's loss of his Shekinah that brought about all evils. In some traditions, the Shekinah is seen as the pillar of smoke that guided the wandering nation
of Israel during its Exodus from Egypt.

Nowadays, welcoming the Sabbath is enacted as welcoming the Shekinah, or the Sabbath Queen, and ecstatic dancing is encouraged. Definitely, i can see blazing up before Friday sundown to welcome holy time and separate from the profane. Keep in mind, the object of experiencing the joys of the Sabbath is to try to extend that as far as possible before needing to return to the corporate (profane) world. So, toking up during the week to reconnect to the Shehinah is highly recommended! It's religious as it should be!
I, for one, have certainly found the use of cannabis as a religious experience. I feel closer to God, and in turn, my spirituality deepens. I don't know that I would go as far as the Coptics and incorporate it into the normal church service (probably wouldn't go over too well.)

Tiger, I appreciate your insights. There is tremendous documentation for Kaballah practicioners using cannabis in religious rites. I know most mainstream folks consider the Kaballah to be too mystic and supernatural, but it still doesn't change the historical significance. My broader goal is to get Christians to loosen up about cannabis and realize that unlike alcohol, this plant had purpose, and was revered for such. Just because it is illegal doesn't make it immoral.

It really is a pleasure talking to you!!
Not having a personal copy of the Kabbalah, I google it. I'd have to dig out my notes for exact verses, but I'll try to do that in the next couple of weeks.
Not having a personal copy of the Kabbalah, I google it. I'd have to dig out my notes for exact verses, but I'll try to do that in the next couple of weeks.

Thank you and no rush! There may be a possible alliance there of religious groups against prohibition.
So i'm googling cannabis and kaballah, and in noodling around, found;
Cannabis Chassidis
Our regard for civic obedience and responsibility
may indeed be a yardstick of our ability to sanctify God's Name
and be a light to the nations.

Because marijuana is an illicit drug,
one might assume that it is halachically prohibited, as well.

dina d'malchuta dina does not apply to matters of issur v'heter-
obligatory or prohibited activities, such as Shabbat, kashrut, inheritance or divorce. It applies only to monetary, commercial or civil law,
and not to religious law.

Since alleviation of pain and suffering is a religious obligation,11 then dina d'malchuta dina does not apply.
(law of the land)
I'm not religious at all. I was forced to go to sunday school, and church at a young age. My parents were die hart holy rollers !! They believed in talking in tounge, and handling of snakes !! I don't know how many of them fools died from bites !! Ha !! But all that dont really matter !! When collecting signatures in the recent attempt to get a public policy question on the nov. ballot, in Mass., We found the die hard religious people were the people who would go into a business and tell the manager that we were in their parking lot harrassing them, by asking her to sign our petition !! Ha !! I think each and every citizen has the right to believe as they choose, so I choose to believe in proven science !! And the truth, when proven, leaving no doughts !! I have read the bible and in the end, it asks people to blindly believe in something that's unproven. Almost all wars are fought over religious beliefs !! or that's what they tell their citizens !! And every political speech always ends with God bless America !! They tell us how we are a people of god and how this nation was built on these beliefs !! Then how they explain the killing of untold numbers of American indians, and using force to rape their land ?? And it is used to control populations !! MJ is not the only issue that religious people have a problem with. They have lost so many followers in the past few years, that they can't keep their doors open. People just don't buy the old bullshit quote ( God will punish you for that), if god is gonna punish me, he has many more better reasons, than smoking a joint !! Ha !! Having said all that,' I will fight for your right to be religious, but not your right to force it on people !! On that note Tiger, I'm gonna eat me a brownie and relax !! Sorry we did'nt get it done on the west side, 20 signatures short, but I for one stand ready to continue the fight for legalization. It's just a matter of time !! You guys got a very interesting thread started here !! I'm waiting for one of those right wing christians to chime in here and tell us how we'll for sure go to hell !! PM me sometime !!
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