Leaves curl upwards

Okay will do ill give it a few days just kinda seemed odd cause even my seedling is wrinkled and I’m not sure why.
Alright thanks for the help m8 everyone on here that’s been replying to me with haste has helped a lot. I only ask about the seedling cause it’s just being weird, its growing odd and the leaves are all wrinkled and has spot on them curling up. Overall they still seem to be growing quickly. Is there anything in your opinion I’m doing wrong?


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Well then I’ll listen to you lol I’m definitely not the most experienced. I was just checking and making sure everything was looking good
In your opinion how big should they be before I begin to train them to scrog? I don’t want to do it to early and risk breaking a stem cause they won’t recover very well in this stage but I also know it’s better to train them early on
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