LED light

Ur bang on wit the size of the tent as for the light it was cheap and wen it arrived there wasnt even an instruction manual all i no is that it 600 watts thats wat was on the website im roughly 9 wks into flower from wen i flipped it il start flushin it wen im bk later on after work would u think i could flush it from now till it finishes it a super silver haze so its taken abit to finish up
Im growin in canna pro plus wit canna nutes shes in a 5 gallon pot so i did flush her before then i eased up on the nute at 1/4 strength and still stayin at quarter strenghthand shes still the same wat would u suggest to do .Will i flush her now till the end
If you buy a EC meter/pen it is a extremely worth while tool in your set as when you water you can check the run off to make sure your plant has not got to many nutes in it as this and ph can be the two worst problems in growing as it leads to other stuff going wrong if you are using purified water RO when you make up your feed there is nothing but pure water to start with so you first add your cal mag and you can check you have the right amount in there with your EC meter if not add more cal mag or to much add more water, always add cal mag first to any feeding schedule then the others nutrients the same way until you get to the final EC you want to be at which will rise as the plant gets bigger, never and I repeat never go off what they say on the bottles its way to much as they want you to buy more of there products.so back to the plant if you have used 1/4 strength nutrient it should be ok but just to be on the safe side flush it till you get 50 percent run off as to what you have put in that should clear any crap that's in there out plain water from your tap, let it drain throughly I put a pot upside down in a bucket sit the plant on top of the pot and water you can't over water coco unless you saturated it every day if you get an EC pen the first bit of the run off is how to check the EC and ph. Now this is very important let it dry throughly until you water it again as this is the time you can get bud rot then water with plain water not till you get run just to keep it moist until it drys again then keep checking the trichomes with a 30x time magnifying glass to see the the tops of the trichomes get 50 percent Amber colour then it's time to chop her down, phew! I hope this helps you out if you need to know any more just give me a shout I am happy to help if I can, cheers
Really appriciate ur info thanks i watered her 2 days ago will i wait till its dry again to flush
I'd flush it now seeing as you are 9 weeks in, gives a bit more time to make sure you get rid of the nutes which can cause a bad taste and be harsh smoke, but after she drys out not bone dry mind keep giving here just enough to keep her moist till the trichomes get amber like I said earlier, little and often with the rest of the watering no run off till she ready that's what I do, ok
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