Lem's 2014 Outdoor Grow Journal

I second that, guys :hookah:
Today was Advance Nutriants feeding day. In a 5 gal. bucket I put 4 gals of water.I then add 16 ts (4ts per gallon) part A of Sensi Bloom and stir,then do the same for part B. You have two put A in before B or you get Nutriant Lock Out.Then I put 2 cups on each plant.When I got done with the last plant I went back to the first one and with the water on full, I applied the count of 10 (one, one thousand , ect.) to each plant that I fed.After my Fishing excurtion,I spent most of Friday sleeping in the Bath Tub. I would make the water as hot as I could stand.Then put my head on a rolled up towel and fall asleep.When the water got cold the cramps would come back,wake me and I would heat the water back up,get rid of the cramps and start the whole thing over again. But with the exception of my neck I feel great today and thats good for me. Have a great the rest of the weekend. TOAST
SLH X - Po - Zay ---Heres a little back ground. In 1974 I moved to Florida. Pensacola to be exact.My self and my girl friend at the time Patrisha opened a Craft Store / Head Shop right on the Bay. One day this Dreaded Out Hippy comes in my store to have a look around.We got to talking and hit it off, Like we had knowen each other for years.This Hippy turned out to be SOMA. We have been good friends and kept in touch for all these years. In 2005 I went to visit him in Amsterdam. While there he introduced me to Arjan and Franco from Green House Seeds. They are Super Guys, they showed me one of the best times in my life. They hooked me up with the best Pot and Hashish available,and sent me home with an assortment of Seeds. So when they came out with,(as Arjan would say in his German accent) Da Super Lemon Haze - Three Time Cup Winner - Finest Cannabis in Da World.LOL I had to get me some.What I find extreamly cool is they have put videos on You Tube on how to best grow each strain they sell.On top of that they have an entire set of videos called Strain Hunter where they go all over the world trying to get Landrace seeds to work with in there lab. Anyway Arjan will tell you, you should plant the seeds and leave them alone. They are designed to be 5 to 6 ft tall and look like Conifers,cool ass X-mas trees. So heres what it suposta look like in veg.:
This is what its suposta look like when flowering.:
Now im going to show mine. There are three,but I am going to focus on the larger one. This is one plant. I topped it once. and it produced three main stalks.:
This one I topped once and it produced four main stalks.:
Now this is the plant Im going to consintrate on.I thought I would be Slick and over the winter I vegged a bunch of plants. Thinking I could get a longer veg time by putting junior plants out early. WRONG. The light was not right and all the ones I went out early with started Budding. When the light got right they fliped back into veg.This process takes several weeks and pretty much screws with the plants. Some of the plants were so far along that I dug them up and flowered them indoors. Those were mostly the SLH and the Grape Ape. In the past I have topped the SLH and it didnt make two branches, the side branches just got bigger and where I topped it just made one steam so it still had the Conifer thing going on.It doesnt Like to be cloned either. The clones take longer to root and seem to stunt very easy.Thought you might want to know that.Ok on to plant Three. This is all one plant.:
There are four main stalks.This is the one to the left of the stick. It was growing normal until here.:
and then it went crazy.:
Look at all the stems that have become little Colas.:
This is the top of the largest stalk.:
This is where it started Budding.:
Theres got to be over 100 branches.:
and there all little Colas Like this.:
I dont know how this is going to end up.But it sure is Fuckin Crazy. I thought this was called Foxtailing, but I was corrected by a more experenced grower.LOL and apparently its called revegitation. So I stand Corrected. LOL So I guess after all is said and done,I have no Fucking Clue why the shit went down like it did.But it sure is cool. I think anyway. Ya-all have a good one K. TOAST Hey I love you guys.
My SLH is in third week of flowering now under extreme LST and one thing I can tell about this plant is that it doesn't branch out as the other plants do. Yeah, it puts two, three side branches, and once it did it, that's it. My main cola is kind of bulky, plumpy and puffs up quite quickly, but the rest stay small. Good and quick resin production for a haze though, and I hope my organic mix will squeeze the nicest terpens out of her. ATM I'm getting mainly mango chutney scent, but this will change with time for sure :)
Wicked expose bro. That is one freaky and cool growing plant the SLH. Loved your story about Arjan and Franco, Wow! You met them!?!? I've seen all the Strain Hunters episodes and loved them. Really cool stuff.

Nature does some strange things sometimes! All in all everything is looking top notch and it did not look like any of the re vegetation caused you a problem. Hey fill us in on Planter #1 when you get a chance, that one bed in itself is probably a ton of work. You probably look at it and let it grow wild like a beard. Not like you can get in there to inspect it. It's a tough one! So beautiful though.

Alright well great stories dude looking forward to the next one.

Talk soon.

Three lonely Clones down to one.---There were three Clones that I took over a month ago, that hadnt rooted yet.:
Two are SLH's and one is an Aurora Ultra. I checked them toeday.:
You can see that there all still healthy and looking as good as four week old, not rooted Clones can look.Here's the first SLH.:
This is the other SLH.Low and behold finely a little root showing. About time.:
and this is the Aurora Ultra.Wow little tiny Hair roots amazing.:
Not enough roots to transplant yet, but at least Im not throughing them out. The two SLH plants are the only ones I have to clone from, for next year. If I lose these I will have to start from seeds. Witch Im short on because I gave some to a friend. But I do have some. So Im cool. So that just goes to show you, that some times Plants dont do whats expected of them. So dont give up on them just cause there doing something drifferant. I pulled the L.A.Confidencial off the Hill earlyer today and replaced it with Pure Kush out of the Cage. Well thats all I got right now C-Ya TOAST
All Right Lester,Lets start with, Now I know why you like my Rock work,if I didnt know that I didnt do yours,I would have thought I did. LOL. Remember I wrote about my Dad and his bird and the Boat.San Pedro Harbor right under the Bridge.It realy is a small world after all LOL. Mind Blower just north of me is an even Higher Hill than mine, last night it poured on the other side of that Hill and I got nothing. As far as mold and fungus goes This is the first year that Ive had any thing like that at all. I took a batch of clones this time and they got contaminated with this gray fuzzy shit that distroyed the stalks and they just fell over and died. In 14 years here Ive lost maybe 2-3 clones a year.Never seen that shit before. Went Walmart and bought all new containers and havent any trouble sense. I did get that root rot one time on a Hydro plant. But other than that nothing. Its kinda funny, SoilGril said something about White Flys, and Ive been fighting them ever sence. Sarasota is OK but Siesta Key is the bomb. Dude I got some out rageious stories about Fishing the Keys and finding stuff floating.I was on the water every day from 1976 to 1990. I am a Fresh Water Conch . I think that should cover every thing. So on with the SHOW. You know I dont get why you like Planter #1 so much, Im kinda disapointed with it. But here we go. PLANTER #1 for Lester.:
Theres something wrong with this plant.:
Now this I like.:
Heres some damage from a little tiny Worm I all most didnt find.
Well Lester hope that did it for you . LOL Later Bud . TOAST
Mr teddy----i want to hear about fishing-----now. Lol

Ha! Sorry. Lem. When you wrote this it was 2.40am here. Nothing disturbs my beauty sleep. And, Lord knows, I need it. :laughtwo:

We had a stream of thunderstorms all weekend (rain at last. Hooray) so we didn't go. But today has dawned fine and dandy, so Kostas and I will be off this afternoon and, knowing Kostas, (the keenest fisherman in Greece) well into the night. I shall let you know the results.

Great update pics. :thanks:
:circle-of-love: Mr Teddy
Good evening, Lem. OK, here's what happened when Kostas and I went fishing for Sea Bream. It stormed on and off all day, but by the afternoon it was clearing and the light was beautiful. Being English, I turned up at his place at 4.30 as agreed. (He has the best little hotel in the village). Of course, Kostas was still having his afternoon nap. We finally got to his favourite 'chiporo' fishing spot on the Aegean side around 6. It was empty and lit by the low sun and beautiful. The sea was pretty flat. We baited (lugworms) and set up 9 rods along the beach and popped a light on the end of each to see which rod bobbed in the dark.

Three things happened.

The first was that one of the middle rods started going crazy. I'm no expert, but more than a little Sea Bream. And I didn't like the feel of it on the line. Took a while to bring in. It was a big, old, fat and very long sea snake. Nasty.

The next thing that happened, quite a lot later, was that the full moon rose from the sea horizon. I'd never seen anything like it. Big as a basketball and as pink as a kitten's arse. The atmosphere distended it to make it seem as if the sea was clinging onto it, pulling it into a pink balloon shape until - pop - it sat proud and round.

The third thing hat happened was nothing. Absolutely sod all. Kostas blamed the full moon. So at midnight we packed our bags and went and had a few glasses of the local white poison with mezes.

You know, that's fishing.
Mr Teddy, thats why they dont call it CATCHING. LOL Sorry to hear you guys had such rotten luck.Watching the moon come up sounds realy beautiful. When I lived in the Fla. Keys every once in a while we would have what we called Sun Rise Services. Serveral Captains and there wives or girl friends, (on days we wernt booked to fish) would pile in one of our boats,about 4:00am, head out to the reef,ancore up,break out the Mamosas and the Nanesasos,(Champagne and Orange Juice,and Cocaine),(thats was the 80's we dont do that any more)Then we would get realy buzzed and Skinny Dip while watching the Sun come up.It was a lot of fun at the time.Well Im sure you will have better luck next time.I hope You, the Misses, and Kostas are healthy and thriving. Have a good one till next time. TOAST
Mr Teddy, thats why they dont call it CATCHING. LOL Sorry to hear you guys had such rotten luck.Watching the moon come up sounds realy beautiful. When I lived in the Fla. Keys every once in a while we would have what we called Sun Rise Services. Serveral Captains and there wives or girl friends, (on days we wernt booked to fish) would pile in one of our boats,about 4:00am, head out to the reef,ancore up,break out the Mamosas and the Nanesasos,(Champagne and Orange Juice,and Cocaine),(thats was the 80's we dont do that any more)Then we would get realy buzzed and Skinny Dip while watching the Sun come up.It was a lot of fun at the time.Well Im sure you will have better luck next time.I hope You, the Misses, and Kostas are healthy and thriving. Have a good one till next time. TOAST

It sounds like "The Great Shark Hunt" by Hunter S. Thompson :laugh:
Well I got three things today.- I was watching one of my favorite movies ALIENS. When I find worms, I think of one of the best lines to ever come out of a movie - "I say we Grease the Rat Fuck Son of a Bitch" so I thought I'd take you on a Bug Hunt. You can see clearly where the worm bored a hole in the top of the bud. :
heres the Rat Fuck Son of a Bitch now.:
Then I put it on the ground and cut it in half.:
The next thing is, four of the plants on the Hill are screwing up. Its the two Aurora Ultras and the two Jack Herer. Branches are just wilting and dieing.
I took this sprinkler stake and poked around the plants to get more water deeper to the roots.:
But I dont know whats going on. And lastly This Super Frost was looking a little Ambery, so I got my Loop and sure as shootin shes done. So I pulled her.:
Then I went to the cage and replaced her with a Sour Diesle.:
Well there she is - Thanks for dropin by - Ya-All come back now ya hear. TOAST P.S. Lester I fucked up Planter #1
Man, you and me both with the worms lately. Pulled 20 of them suckers out of these tiny little plants lately. Starting to get on my nerves.

And Wow, can't wait to see what the hell you did with planter 1, atleast you got #2 to make up for it.

Well man, it's been hot as hell so I hope your plants are dealing with it well. Needing plenty of water I'd Imagine :surf:

Be Well brother :volcano-smiley:
It really must be a Cali thing. Bud wormz I mean. I've never seen one on my plants, which is not to say they don't exist, but maybe they choose to devour other plants in my area as they have big range of choices :)
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