Light research to enhance flavor and increase THC

Do you think you could put a blue film over a HPS to increase blue light? or would this have negative affects?
Interesting Q? But I couldn't begin to answer it. Maybe some who knows more about the light spectrum and it effect on plants could answer it. ....
A blue filter would allow only the blue light to go through it. If you try filtering a red led light in this way, you will get almost zero energy through the filter. If you filter an HPS, you will find out how much blue light is in that yellow spectrum, but you will not add to it... your filter will only allow through what was already there.
yea this makes sense, not using logic when I asked thank's for the response. That's a good idea for testing the spectrum of your lights though
its not just about getting a good tasting product... if you allow salt to build up in the soil, at some point the roots will be shut down, unable to uptake the water that they need. When I ran heavy synthetic nutes I flushed at least 3 times during the grow, just to get the fast growing going again.
I had problems boy. I went from T5 4 bulb 20,000 lumins to 2000watt LEDs burned the leaves. Really slowed their growth. I noticed I had slow growth at the same time so I just added Calmag and water for a few day's that helped. But I think I'm done with Synthetic Nutrient. I like the soil though.
Thats a very good question, one of which I would love to know the answer to...if you find it post it!

I would suspect that there are many, many factors that go into taste and you would need a rather large sample size (a few hundred plants of same genetics) to know for sure.
Flushing for anything other than to repair salt buildup or toxicity is pointless. "Flushing" to rid the bud of nutes is, and always was, bro science. This has FINALLY been proven (thank god).

In a nut shell

The effects of flushing were also investigated to determine whether it had the intended effect of reducing nutrient concentrations within the dried bud. Through the use of psychrometers, water status (cWP) thresholds were correlated with humidity (cVPD) thresholds and reduced irrigation frequency resulting in water use reductions up to 45.7% which had negligible impacts on yield and cannabinoid profile. Flushing was found to be ineffective in removing any significant amount of nutrient from the bud.

Irrigation Management Strategies for Medical Cannabis in Controlled Environments

Section 6.2 if you want to fast forward. Essentially use water the last two weeks since there is no impact on yield, but using water isn't causing the bud to use up stored nutes (aka bro science)
Thanks. I just got around to reading parts of the above paper and it sounds like what I am looking for. IK would like to similar research on soil composition, and affects of the light spectrum and outcomes. Any advise?
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