Little Buggies - Bzzzz


Well-Known Member
Got some little bugs flying around, don't know how they got there, seem to be little flying things. Cant snap a pic of em. Hard to explain, Have examined - No apparent signs of distress/chewing? So question, any one know what these could be? Dangerous? Ideally id like them gone regardless of course. Any home remedies y'all? Peace
Yeh I examined them, they're multiplying and they are def gnats - im yet to get supplies but im troubled by this. Living remote can have disadvantages. Is there any organic ways or even chemical (last resort) that I can do? I will get some dunks and also traps asap
Can anyone help with this?

they're still buzzing around :( I trapped plenty though, have let soil dry and am giving small water only tomorrow.
I put down diatomaceous earth on dry soil and did not water for a couple of days and put up sticky fly ribbon. It took about a week, but no sign of them any more. I changed out the sticky fly ribbon several times and each had a lot of gnats on them.
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