LMAO Cloning For Dummies

Wow are you going to start a little class in my thread about making your own cloth pots that would be cool then it would not bother me any
When using a ash it can sometimes make it hard to keep your pH at a constant level this goes for volcanic ash and regular wood burning Ash I have a friend of mine that smokes nothing but cannabis all the ash that he gets from smoking he will put right back into his garden this is what made me start to look up volcanic ash then one day I received a shipment by accident it would have cost them more money to come pick it up and take it back so I was told to keep it and I have been using it I like the results from it and it gives the Cannabis a unique flavor
I kept my original seeds from Acapulco Gold that I got years ago and I mean years ago I still run those there is a little bit of a difference in between the old regular version and the ones that Barney's farm and other people put out the ones that they are selling in stores have been genetically stabilized the ones I have are from the natural Wild
You got to remember your little adopted friend went through hell and back literally to make the trip caused a lot of stress it's all just an experiment right now I don't know how this whole thing will end up but that's the whole part of it being an experiment is to find out my main worry is that the stress of doing that may cause them to hermaphrodite but this is unknown because this is a new trick but so far everything's looking good none of them have died on anybody they are all still small but I'm betting it's from the stress
Apparently ....my adopted baby hasn't grown too much tho....she's like the runt lol

Clones from certain un-named parts of the southwest are just plain SCRAWNY!
I am growing a big beautiful plant right now called a Wonder Woman. Just finally sexed itself today and turns out that Wonder Woman is Wonder Boy
my rocket fire taken same day as the rest
my newest little friend to my collection it has been a week since I popped the seed already at 3 nodes at one week only thing it has had is EM1 for the first 7 Days of its life and was soaked in EM1 water for 18 hours before I popped it this little friend comes brought to you by one of my 420 friends
If you are referring to the black family and that is what they call it the black can range from being a light gray to being as dark as coal has a completely different taste then purple weed and if you want blue weed need to look at strains crossed with blue dream
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