LMAO Cloning For Dummies

I would get a little offended if the mouse stole my plants

The paranoid comes to everybody especially the closer to harvest you get

Hiya. Spent the past few weeks CONVINCED the cops were on to me... every damn traffic helicopter that flew over was taking pictures of me... needless to say, i started harvesting and i can suddenly think a little clearer. Feel like a total dumbass, but it's all part of the fun .
I have a story about why I stopped hunting. But alas I will have to keep you hanging!lol if I have time at the concert tomorrow I will post it. If not ya may have to wait till Monday. Busy busy busy for the next few days. Everyone hug someone that could use one over the weekend. Stay safe my friends!
Ok here is my story. I grew up hunting, it was a way of life. I was taught to use everything I could because if an animal gave its life it was my duty to waste nothing. So one night we had a massive snow storm and i needed to check my trap line for rabbits because I didn't want to have any buired under many feet of snow and possibly lost. So out I go. Now to make a very long story as short as I can. I was up to my waist in snow and finally finished what I set out to do. Taking out all my rabbit traps when a rabbit hopped out from around a tree. So I pulled my shot gun off my shoulder to take a shot. But the rabbit was behind another busy so I felt I couldn't get a clean shot so I started to fridge through the deep snow after it. This went on for what seemed hours. Every time I could get a shot the rabbit was behind something else. Niether one of us was very fast in that snow. Finally this rabbit took a wrong turn. I had flushed it out into a clearing. There was nothing for it to hide behind. Instead of the rabbit continuing to run he stopped in the middle of the clearing and turned around and sat down staring at me. He had given up and new it's fate. We were both very tired at this point. I shouldered my shot gun for the shot. I was looking down the barrel at the rabbit. I spoke the words " I got ya" then I said the word "bang" I then opened my gun took the shell out and put it in my pocket. The rabbit was still sitting there looking at me. I told the rabbit that we had both had a valient Chace Android we both deserved to continue on our journey of life. He started to hop away in the deep snow and then I started home myself. I have not hunted since.

And now so I'm not completely off topic. I started 4 clones in peat picks and 3 in soil. The 4 in peat did not foot and the 3 in dirt did. So once again I should have stayed with what I knew. I have done many clones in dirt over the years and this is the first time I tried peat pucks. I am in the process of gathering material for a cloning bucket. But until then I will stick with dirt.
If you google " a 6-2 light schedule could increase plant growth" you can check out why some believe this.
I'm not going to try this because I can't afford to mess up my plants. But I will be researching and maybe some day in the future I will try a grow off between the same genetics just to see for myself. There is sooo much info out there it's hard to wade through it all. Just wanted to bring it up because some like me have never heard this before.
I couldn't pay much right now but I do make some lovely leather products and I also do bone and antler jewellery that I could barter with. lol I love bartering, in fact I would love for cash to go the way of the dinosaurs! Then you would get what you were worth and not by how many zeros you could put on a piece of paper.... A it's a lovely thought! lol
And i thought i was the last hippy out there.... i hate money, i really do. Unfortunately....
Speaking of volcanic rock has anybody ever tried using volcanic ash it is high and almost all trace minerals and can be dissolved into water or into your soil
Haven't used volcanic ash, but i bbq with natural wood often, and add the ashes to my compost. I also scatter around my herbs & veg, and they perk up nicely when this happens. Lots of potassium, calcium and yummy micronutes. NOTE: you need to check the pH before & after addition, cause it's very alkaline.
Just got back from a store that just opened in my area and picked up a package of Barneys farm Acapulco gold seeds! I hope these are the same genitecs that I was smoking in the 80s! I'm stoked! It's a good day indeed... Also I can't believe all the new store's popping up since the gov has stated that they are going to legalize next year. It's like the wild West around here.

Anyone familiar with these genetics?
There we go. I guess I need to get the pics from my gallery and not try to do it from taking the pic. Live and learn... Have a great day fellow earthlings! Hug someone that needs one!
Well I will say my plants are seeming better...not sure what helped cause I changed soil and nutes and feeding but they look better...thanks imhigh and everyone for help and tips...got 1 clone that is still very small...I'm just glad the clones wasn't affected by that nasty food mix I gave em
Now how can you forget about your girlfriend's like that that's not right that's plant abuse and that is my job lol if you do it next time and don't forget you will have success everybody has had a hundred percent success rate when using similar cup methods and cloning methods
Whenever I start talking to a new grower I always let them know that the paranoia is inevitable even for people that are completely legal to do so and the closer you get to harvest time the worse it gets but this is all your brain kicking in well what's left of it and the cops could give a crap less what we do people are tired of wasting tax money putting potheads Behind Bars I know that I am but remember I'm high
All clones rooted...I have 2 to transplant today to bigger pots....the cotton candy is just still small...rooted but small...I put her in bigger pot maybe week ago...my girlfriends plants ain't sprouted yet so idk lol
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