Looking for a small grow box full kit suggestions


New Member
I'm looking for suggestions on a complete grow kit for like 2-3 plants. I know nothing other than this helps my condition so it needs to be a complete kit thank you!
I don't want to pay an arm and leg but ok paying what I need to to grow correctly. I live in a free standing apartment which is small but I have room for a wardrobe type size. It can be 50 one day and20 the next in the winter here.... And cool to hot and humid in the summer...the weather Is very unpredictable
There a few different options, first what kind of budget do you have? How much room do you have? House or appartment? How is the weather where you live? Hot, cold, dry, humid?
There are grow boxes you can buy but I am not a fan of them. You can get a cheap 2x4 or 3x3 tent on ebay for $100, a 4 or 6 inch fan/filter combo for $120. Personally I would go with led since you are in an appartment and you probably won't have to vent it outside, need to control smell. Grow one or two plants in coco to keep it simple and you will have good results. PM me and I will send you some links on gear and nutes. As soon as my current grow journal is done I am going to do a small coco grow on the cheap in a 2x4 with some videos so you may want to follow it.
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