Looking for advice on trimming, pruning, lolipop


Well-Known Member
I have a few plants. I took pictures of the couple I have concerns about. The pictures are duplicates of the same plant (s), so you could see what I am inquiring about. My question is, should I cut the bottom, clear it, trim it, lolipop it, or just let it keep growing wild? It's May 19th, I planted them around end of March, beginning of April. I don't know the strain, but I have been growing this strain for a few years. It's a hybrid sativa dominant. The last 3 pictures are from last year, same strain. I like the strain because I can get about a pound per plant, and it's "The Bomb Bud! and YOU KNOW THIS MAN!"


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I wouldn't go wild and lollipop it like you would indoors. Maybe clean up the lower stuff little to get some air around the base but outdoors the sun rises and sets so the in direct lighting is much better outdoors.
I do lollipop my girls outside a bit , but usually when they are headed into flower. I cut off any lower spindly growth, and also any really low branches that Head up into the middle of the plant where they will see very little sun. I wouldn’t do it on a plant that was not seriously thriving, I just cut of unnecessary mass and useless lower flowers that steal energy and invite pests. Just one guy’s method.


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Welcome Chago. Outdoors plants usually don't need much leaf and branch trimming. I do pick a few leaves to let air into the plant so mold/Powdery mildew doesn't get a chance to catch on. Not many though. Nice plant!

Great! Thanks for the quick response. Yeah, I had white mold last year. It can become a problem. I cleared the inside 'to let are into the plant' just as you suggested, and sprayed with a little water and peroxide.
Even if the sun penetrates more of the plant than indoor. Id still trim all the bullshit off the bottom. No point in the plant putting energy into branches that will yield nothing.

Thanks for the information, and the quick response. I guess I'll let it grow wild, but trim any real small 'bullshit' at the bottom. But if they look full, then leave I'll leave it, right?
I wouldn't go wild and lollipop it like you would indoors. Maybe clean up the lower stuff little to get some air around the base but outdoors the sun rises and sets so the in direct lighting is much better outdoors.
Thanks for the quick response. I have some 'ok' branches, even 'pretty nice' branches that are literally on the ground. The branches are nice and thick, and long.
I do lollipop my girls outside a bit , but usually when they are headed into flower. I cut off any lower spindly growth, and also any really low branches that Head up into the middle of the plant where they will see very little sun. I wouldn’t do it on a plant that was not seriously thriving, I just cut of unnecessary mass and useless lower flowers that steal energy and invite pests. Just one guy’s method.

Thanks for the response! Your plants look awesome! You think I should lollipop mines? It'll be a lot to cut off. I might do one, if I find one that doesn't have too much going on down there. What strain is that, what kind of soil do you use, how often do you water, how many gallons are your pots, and what state are you in? Sorry for all the questions, but I have been growing for about 7 years, always in the dirt, but a friend of mines tried my bud and asked, "could I grow in his backyard and we split it?" Obviously, I took on the offer, but he doesn't have any dirt in his backyard. This is my first time growing in pots. I have a few 30 gallon smart pots, and a few 65 gallon smart pots. I mixed one bag of Happ Frog in each, along with the 3 cubic feet of Kellogg's, that bullshit with wood chips, and Kellogg's potting soil. In regular dirt, I just turn the soil, water it, put some worms in it, maybe a little fertilizer and you have black gold. The last couple of 30 gallon smart pots I filled with just Kellogg's potting soil, as everything began to get expensive. I'm using the fox farm trio. I know I said a lot...my bad. Just don't want to mess up on someone's else's time and property. I don't want to get root rot, or nutrient lock
The one on the left is a Gorilla Glue, on the right is Tangerine Dream. The soil is a mix of G&B Organics Blue Ribbon, and last years soil. I feed MegaCrop but these get a lot of natural rainwater here. They are autoflower plants that didn’t start flowering until about day 100, which is fine by me. They’ll be huge and are flowering during the best months!
Good luck with yours, seems like you know what’s going on. Best advice I can give is do what you’re gonna do with trimming, but do it once and leave them alone after that.
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