Making Cannabudder For The First Time, Need Help?


420 Member
Hello so i added about 2 cups of butter 2 cups of trim & 1 cup of water into a saucepan, so far its been cooking on the lowest heat setting for about 30 minutes, i already see foamy bubbles appearing on top of the pot, isnt that supposed to happen 2-3 hours in?
thank u for your response yes i decarb'd it, however the trim was wet because it was the leftover plant matter after i made bubble hash, it was in the oven at 245 for like a good hour
definatly will be weaker, i ran it through bubble hash washer 3 times, and my cannabudder was sitting in the saucepan for like almost 3 hours, it started bubbling, but the budder never got dark and shiny on the top layer, did i have to leave it longer?, and maybe i put in too much trim
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