Many Moons Ago...


New Member
I just recently smoked weed again after a 20 year hiatus, and I'm shocked at how expensive it is! I am planning a stealth grow on the cheap, so I came here and found the mother lode of grower information. I can hardly wait to start. As soon as I get my hands on some seed. (In my day, all weed had seeds in it). I think I'll start a Journal on this site and hopefully get some good feedback and tips. I can't wait to meet some friends here and talk about growing. I have a unique situation I'll tell all about at the start of my journal. Wish me luck! :peace:

Welcome to 420 Magazine :welcome:

We have a lot of women members but I don't know the exact ratio.

All the general moderator team is female (except me)

Ms.Fox, our Member of the Month the month before last is female, check out her grow journal Hydro Grow: California Orange Bud
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