Medical Marijuana vs. Moral Majority

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
Most of my readers will recognize medical marijuana. Moral Majority – what the hell is he talking about? Check it out you’ll find more that 600 articles on this subject.

I have suspected the moral majority – Evangelized Christians for a long time. They are rabidly against homosexuals, abortion, gay marriage, contraception, suicide and a whole bunch of other stuff which is none of their business but they seem to get great pleasure as peeping toms at other folk’s sex and social lives.

I am really astonished that they are so vehement about marijuana/cannabis The Bible which I assume they read has a section on cannabic – Exodus 30:21-23.

The English translations call cannabis cane but in Hebrew it is pronounced Kaneh. The other part is bosum making kaneh bosom which means sweet or aromatic reed. Kaneh bosum IS Cannabis. It was used in all religious ceremonies. READ YOUR BIBLE! It was also used in biblical medicine. Religion and medicine were heavily mixed together; illness and pain were either acts of God or the opposite - the devil requiring Gods intervention.

Most of my readers know I am a toxicologist. Most importantly I am a Forensic Toxicologist. I have appeared in Court over 400 times as an expert in medical and poison cases.

I was recently called in on a marijuana case. I’m not going to reveal any specifics because I don’t want to cause the couple any more trouble than they already have with a guilty verdict and severe problems. She was the medical card holder. He was the caretaker / grower.

She had severe scoliosis with back bones pressing on nerves.

She had pain symptoms since age six. She was told it was "growing pains". At 16 her right hip was 2 inches low. It was too late for corrective surgery.

She got her MJ card in 2000 and renewed 3 times. At the last, the law was changed so she could have 24 plants and 24 ounces. At the time of the bust it was still the old law 7 plants and 3 (?) ounces. The District Attorney and Sheriff homed in on this like a cobra. The jury pool was 46 people. The DA was able to stack the jury with people he knew would be rabidly against marijuana.

The cops involved blatantly lied on the witness stand. She admitted her husband, a non-card holder, used some marijuana. She also admitted she used an ounce a week. She required it, but she didn’t use while she was under surveillance. Therefore she really didn’t need it and was just a semi-legal pothead.-junky. This was an example of the moral majority in action. We’ve got to beat them. Register to vote!

Phillip Leveque has spent his life as a Combat Infantryman, Physician and Toxicologist.

News Hawk: User: 420 MAGAZINE ® - Medical Marijuana Publication & Social Networking
Copyright: 2008
Website: Medical Marijuana vs. Moral Majority - Salem-News.Com
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